Saturday, 13 October 2012


Waislamu Mbagala
Mawe yametoboa vioo vingi

Katika madhabahu, pameharibiwa

Mabenchi yamepinduliwa na kuvunjwa

Mimbari imechomwa na kuharibiwa

Ofisi ya Kanisa imechomwa moto

Wachungaji wa kanisa hili wakisubiria taarifa kutoka polisi

Hawa wanafanya maombi na nimesikia wakiwaombea Waislamu Mungu awasamehe

Vifaa vya uimbaji vimechomwa moto

Washarika wakiwa kanisani kwao asubuhi hii

Gari la mchungaji pia limeharibiwa kabisa

Ofisi ya mchungaji na mwinjilisti zimeharibiwa kabisa

Kushoto ni msikiti walipotokea Waislamu kabla ya kuvamia kanisa kulia. Nyumba hizi za ibada ziko jirani zikitenganishwa na barabara tu

It is with great pleasure that we inform you about the establishment of Agaciro Development Fund by the Government of Rwanda. This Solidarity Fund was initially proposed, discussed and recommended during last year's (2011) Umushyikirano /National dialogue meeting. And consequently, it was agreed that a sovereign fund should be put in place specifically to finance our country’s development as a way of fast tracking Vision 2020.
Thus, The Agaciro Development Fund (AgDF) is a sovereign fund, based on donations that have been initiated by Rwandans, and friends of Rwanda, to improve the level of financial autonomy of Rwanda as a nation. The fund is not intended to substitute the existing funds but rather to supplement them. The uniqueness of the fund is that it is Rwandans themselves that will finance it. The Agaciro Development Fund sets the tone that Rwandans will work together to drive their own development.
It’s in this regard that Rwanda High Commission wishes to inform all Rwandans and friends of Rwanda that a bank account has been set up for that purpose. The Rwanda High Commission, thus requests all Rwandans and friends of Rwanda to donate voluntarily and generously any affordable amount of money into the following bank account:
Account Name:                      Embassy of Rwanda- Inter-Agency Account
Account Number:                  91531948
Sort Code:                              40-05-22
IBAN Number:                        GB25MIDL40052291531948
Branch identifier code:         MIDLGB2107K
Bank Name and address:      HSBC Bank
                                                18A Curzon Street
                                                W1J 7LA
                                                United Kingdom.
For further information including how the funds will be managed, accountability as well as how the funds will be used and any other questions, please visit the following website that has specifically been set up for this  initiative;
Your contribution towards this fund will be highly appreciated.

Directorate of Information and Communication

First Stakeholders’ Meeting for the Geothermal Risk Mitigation Facility (GRMF) for Eastern Africa kicks off today
Description: 2012 October 10 Infrastructures & Energy on Geothermal Development (1)
Addis Ababa, October 10, 2012- The meeting started today and was chaired by the African Union Commission (AUC).
The Department of Infrastructure and Energy in AUC took the initiative in the framework of the “Regional Geothermal Programme” initiated by AUC recently and the establishment of the GRMF.
The GRMF for Eastern Africa was established by the AUC, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (the Trust Fund) via KfW Entwicklungsbank (KfW). The Facility, funded at 50 million EUR (20 million EUR from BMZ and 30 million EUR from the Trust Fund), is now in place and hosted and managed by the AUC.
The AUC was mandated by the ministers of energy of the East African Rift System (EARS) to develop and to coordinate a regional geothermal program to promote power generation especially Renewable Energy. The Mandate given to the AUC in the Addis Ababa Declaration on Geothermal Energy, June, 2009 includes inter alia establishment of:
  • Regional road map;
  • Policy guidelines including institutional and regulatory framework;
  • Regional Geothermal Coordination Unit;
  • GRMF Oversight Committee (OC).
The overall objective of GRMF is to encourage public and private sector developers by providing partial grants for surface studies leading to drilling and for reservoir confirmation drilling in order to mitigate the risk associated with geothermal resource exploration. As a result, reduced risks and costs of early stage geothermal development are expected to encourage the development of further geothermal investments. It is expected to improve access to equity or other funding sources and thus play a catalytic role in establishing geothermal energy as a strategic option in power expansion planning of the participating countries of Eastern Africa.
Initially, GRMF will support geothermal activities in the pilot countries  Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. Other countries may become eligible for GRMF funding in a later phase if additional funds become available.
GRMF will provide direct grants for surface studies and exploration drillings. Furthermore, required infrastructure improvements may be also eligible for grant funding. Additionally, a Continuation Premium is forseen for drilling and testing programmes in case the developers undertake subsequent development steps within a certain period of time. A regional geothermal database will be also created in order to reduce risks of future geothermal exploration.
Stakeholder’ Meeting opening addresses were held by the representatives of the AUC H.E. Rhoda Peace Tumusiime, Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, African Union Commission  on behalf of the Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy H.E. Dr. Elham Mahmoud Ibrahim,  the European Union H.E. Gary Quince, the German Embassy Counsellor Hanno Spitzer and KfW Entwicklungsbank Mr. Klaus Gihr.
Programmes supporting GRMF activities were presented during the meeting, specifically from United States Agency for International Development (USAID), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), The Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA), and the World Bank. Subsequently, GRMF Technical Consultant informed the participants about the geothermal financing and the needs for risk mitigation.
The meeting aimed to create a common understanding of benefits and requirements of GRMF and how creating and maintaining legal, institutional and regulatory framework will be critical to the ultimate success of geothermal development in Eastern Africa.

Description: 2012 October 10 Infrastructures & Energy on Geothermal Development