For further information:
Tel: 020 7209 4751 Mobile: 07816 251377
Press launch:
Founding Charter of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
Thursday, 2 October, 11am
Crossroads Women’s Centre, 230a Kentish Town Road, NW5 2AB(Entrance on Caversham Rd, Kentish Town, wheelchair accessible)
The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) is launching its founding Charter in continental Europe, India, Israel, Latin America, Morocco, the US, Canada and the UK.
For the past two years IJAN has been building an international network of anti-Zionist Jews to support Palestinian resistance and seed new Jewish anti-Zionist organizing:
Our commitment is to the dismantling of Israeli apartheid, the return of Palestinian refugees, and the ending of the Israeli colonization of historic Palestine.
Selma James, one of the international co-ordinators of IJAN, said:
We intend to contribute to a growing international voice that challenges Zionism and its claim to speak on behalf of Jews worldwide; and to contribute to the movement to defeat US-backed Israeli imperialism, occupation and ethnic cleansing.
The movement against Zionist apartheid must be as uncompromising as was the movement against South African apartheid. Anti-Zionism is part not only of the movement against racism but also the movement against war. We are convinced that we speak to a great unexpressed, in fact censored sentiment of support for this perspective, including among Jewish people.
Professor Moshe Machover, co-founder in 1962 of Matzpen, the Israeli socialist organization, said:
I welcome this initiative in the name of those Israelis who, together with their Palestinian comrades, are struggling against Zionist oppression and for the de-Zionisation of Israel and the establishment of a progressive commonwealth, in which Arabs and Israeli Jews live together in peace and equality.
Michael Kalmanovitz (IJAN) said:
We are challenging the common myth that Israel wants peace. Zionists deny the truth: that the state of Israel was established by its massive ethnic cleansing of Palestinian people and this continues to be its policy. We therefore join the movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel which the Palestinian resistance movement has called for.
The launch is part of a Month of Action <> in a number of countries, to strengthen support for BDS by targeting Israeli goods.
The UK Charter launch the will take place on Friday, 24 October, 7-9.30pm, Trinity United Reformed Church, Buck St, London NW1 ( Camden tube). The distinguished Professor Moshe Machover will be one of the speakers.
For a report & video footage of our very exciting July 2008 London meeting click here.
On 8 May 2008, for over two hours, 14 women & 6 men disrupted Zionist celebrations in the Jewish Community Centre before their arrest. Over 50 Jewish & Palestinian supporters held a support rally outside, to protest Israeli apartheid and support Palestinian resistance. The protest was organised by IJAN (SF)
Email: uk@ijsn.net Tel: 020 7209 4751 Mobile: 07816 251377 website: www.ijsn.net
I have twelve (12) fully funded youth leaderhip training opportunity starting on 22/10 - 28th October 08 for 1 week. Full details are below. The ideal candidate with be a youth leader from either a statutory or approved non statutory organisation who are actively working with young people on a regular basis. They will need to be willing to assist the the MPS blunt team in developing strategies to prevent young people becoming involved in knife crime.
Andy MACHIN Detective Inspector - 186009 MPS Anti - Knife Crime Unit"Operation Blunt"Violent Crime DirectorateTPHQ Mobile 07960 498154 Office 0207 321 (4)7232
Project Outline
Outlined below are proposals for a Youth worker-training project to give key individuals working in the top ten high knife crime / Serious Youth Violence areas the necessary skills to be able to continue their important role. I believe that the key players behind knife Crime and serious youth violence prevention initiatives are the youth leaders who work closest with the young people, who are most at risk of becoming involved in this violent culture. If there is to be any reasonable chance of influencing young people to withstand the peer pressure of joining gangs involved in such activity, it is reasonable to assume that youth leaders are likely to hold some of the keys to such influence. Their role must be a tough, and one, which is probably conducted with minimum support, and little relevant training. This programme is designed to support that group in the challenging, but pivotal role they play in preventing this cycle of violence continuing. It is important for the MPS to be supporting such initiatives. Operation Blunt have identified individuals working in this Key area and have recognized that little work has been done regarding the creating of a development programme which understands the needs of this group and creates a bespoke development programme tailored for each individual. A highly experienced external training provider has been identified to deliver this project, utilising a wholly qualified team who have a wide range of experience in working with young people in the field of adventure. The team also have experience in working with children at risk and in working with the Princes Trust. This training is both unique and bespoke to meet very different needs. If this proposed project meets with approval it would be implemented over three phases in August / September 2008.
Phase one would entail sending a qualified coach to visit each Youth leader in their work place. They will work with them to identify the exact nature of the support that they need.
Phase two would involve taking a group of ten - twelve individuals away from the work place and immersing them in to a completely challenging and alien environment way beyond their normal level of experience. From this point, new learning will emerge - new ways of thinking about leadership and their role and new ways of being as leaders. It is planned to take the group away for a week to a remote Scottish Island and to work with them in a distinctive wilderness environment. During this time we will be working with them in helping them to develop their personal leadership style. As part of this process we will be addressing the follow elements: -
· Achievement motivation · Active initiative · Hardiness resourcefulness · Locus of control · Self confidence · Time management · Productive teamwork · Social competence · Active environmental awareness · Judgement · Problem solving · Goals setting · Decision making · Conflict resolution · Self Awareness · Self concept · Self Efficacy · Self confidence · Coping strategies · Coaching skills
Phase three would offer further work place support and the costs have been budgeted for this process at the end of the programme. At the same time we will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of our interventions with a follow questionnaires. It is suggested that once these youth leaders have been through the training process they could be developed as coaches for other groups of potential youth leaders in the future.
Evaluation The success of the interventions will be measured by a specifically designed questionnaire and we will run this questionnaire with each person and with a control group before and after the programme begins.
Risk assessment and Insurance The company will take full responsibility for the group once they have been delivered safely to the training location. They will only be the responsibility of the MPS on the journey there and back. Full Risk assessments and generic assessments are available from the training provide. Site-specific assessments will be written prior to the event by the training provider and will be available for MPS scrutiny. The company has a current insurance policy, the Public Liability element of which has been increased to £5 million. Op Blunt are liasing with DCC8 (6) Insurance branch to ensure that this meets with MPS approval. An MPS risk assessor with experience in this area has been appointed to complete the necessary assessment and forms.
The Cost of the Programme On separate sheet.
Andy MACHIN A/Detective Inspector - 186009 MPS Anti - Knife Crime Unit"Operation Blunt"Violent Crime DirectorateTPHQ Mobile 07960 498154 Office 0207 321 (4)7232
We are pleased to announce a new round of the Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) Program. This program is for Tanzanian English teachers whose native language is Kiswahili, and who have Bachelor’s degrees, are between 21-29 years old and would like to teach Kiswahili in the U.S. for a year while taking classes at a post-secondary institution. This program is similar to an internship opportunity and successful candidates will be required to sit for the TOEFL test, pay for their personal expenses and return to Tanzania to continue teaching English for two years.
People who do not meet the minimum criteria, are not residents of Tanzania or have extensive experience outside Tanzania (especially in the U.S. ) should not apply. In addition, successful candidates have strong communication and inter-personal skills, have a good understanding of Tanzanian culture and understand and are invested in the basis for the Fulbright Program. The deadline for receipt of online applications and all supplemental documents is October 20, 2008.
Two information sessions are being held at the U.S. Embassy on Tuesday, September 30, 2008 in the morning from 9:00 – 12:00 p.m. and in the afternoon from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. Those interested should only attend ONE session. Seating will be on a first-come, first-serve basis, with registration at the gate. Interested applicants should bring ID cards, something to write with and something to write on. Please note that bags, briefcases, cigarette lighters, weapons, and electronics of any kind including cameras and cell phones are not permitted into the Embassy and due to the large number of people that usually attend these sessions, there may not be enough place to store these items at the gate.
For more information, please visit our website http://tanzania.usembassy.gov/educational_exchange.html or email the Fulbright Program Coordinator at http://uk.mc274.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=drs_exchanges@state.gov.
With best wishes,
Educational Exchange Programs
Office of Public Affairs, American Embassy
686 Old Bagamoyo Rd., Msasani
Box 9123, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Voice: +255 22 2668001
Fax: +255 22 2668251
Email: http://uk.mc274.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=drs_exchanges@state.gov
Fellowship Programs: http://tanzania.usembassy.gov/educational_exchange.html