Difficult recent elections
Dear Friends of OBV,
Sadly there was no good news in regards to recent elections: Bristol Mayoral candidate Marvin Rees failed to make that historic breakthrough. The meltdown of the Liberal Democrat and Conservative vote meant that the eventual winner, former Lib Dem leader George Ferguson was able to mop up that support. After the election I emailed Marvin to remind him that in 2000 Barack Obama failed to win a seat in the House of Representatives, but less than eight years later, he was the most powerful politician on the planet. Co-founder of OBV, Lee Jasper could not overcome the fact that his campaign had little or no money and the Respect brand had lost its shine.
Perhaps most worrying of all was the fact that none of the newly elected police chief commissioners were from a BME background. Equally with a voter turnout -15%, our democratic process was seriously undermined. One consolation, however, could be found in Birmingham. Although the Independent candidate Bishop Derek Webly didn’t win, his energy and demands for a diverse voice encouraged the eventual winner to appoint the respected Black Councillor Yvonne Mosquito to be his deputy. As we have always said, ‘sometimes when you lose you win’.
By the way, join The Voice Newspaper campaign to tackle racism in football. Their petition needs another 60 votes. http://www.voice-online.co.uk/
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Regards and stay strong