I arrived this morning from the ICC following the status conference at the Hague. Let me assure all Kenyans that the Jubilee Government is firmly in charge and no amount of intimidation will distract this Government from implementing its development agenda. It is true that we are faced with some challenges we are well placed to solve our own problems and no outsider can do so for us. We know where we have come from and where we are going. We have the capacity and we will do everything possible to solve our own problems. Problems facing Kenyans cannot be solved through mere politicking. We need to work together and confront the challenges facing the people.
I would like to thank Deputy President William Ruto for firmly taking charge of the country while I was away. The Jubilee Government is focused on service delivery and not interested in selfish political interests.
Please call Ayoub Mzee to help arrange how you can get to a food bank
Thank you
The Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) epidemic poses an unprecedented public health emergency affecting the African continent and beyond. The outbreak, which began in Guinea in December 2013, spread to Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria. The number of cases from the current outbreak has outnumbered the combined cases from all known previous outbreaks.
The African Union launched ASEWOA to contribute to the on-going efforts of the national and international community to stop the Ebola transmission in the affected African countries. ASEOWA aims to enhance the capacity of existing response mechanisms by mobilisation of technical expertise, resources, political and financial support. It complements the efforts of on-going humanitarian assistance. It also supports advocacy to support public awareness and preventive measures across Africa and specifically in the affected region.
The Director of Social Affairs reported, “Since ASEOWA started, AUC has been moving very fast. Deployment of teams started with a group that went to Liberia in September and more will be sent in the next week”.
The U.S. Ambassador to the African Union noted the importance of the U.S.-AU partnership and how much “the U.S. appreciates and respects the AU’s historic decision to launch ASEOWA and its commitment to battling the Ebola outbreak.”