Besides project and program financing, the Bank also undertakes analytical and technical assistance activities.
Sixth Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC6): This is the third in a series of five annual operations supporting the implementation of the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (MKUKUTA). The objective is to support the Government pursue its policy objectives laid out in the three clusters of the MKUKUTA: growth and reduction of income poverty; improved quality of life and social well being; and good governance and accountability. The credit .underpins the country’s reforms to sustain macroeconomic stability, increase domestic resource mobilization, promote pro-poor economic growth, and increase investment in core social services such as education, healthcare, and water supply.”
Science and Technology Higher Education: The objective is to increase the quantity and quality of higher education graduates, with special emphasis on science, technology, and education, through an improved learning environment. Successful implementation of this program will result in:
a greater number of graduates from science and technology degree programs;
improved scores on formal assessments of learning of S&T students in their final year of first-degree studies; and
an increased number of new degree-holding teachers hired as teachers in secondary schools each school year who are qualified to teach mathematics; sciences and English.
INQUEST has published issue no.8 of its E-Newsletter.Download a copy of the newsletter at:http://inquest.gn.apc.org/e-newsletter.htmlThe Information Centre about Asylum and Refugees in the UK (ICAR) has published the latest edition if its newsletter.Download the newsletter at:http://www.icar.org.uk/download.php?id=557 (pdf file, 364kb)Citizens for Sanctuary has published: '"Shows Promise - Must Try Harder in 2010." - The first annual audit and report card of the implementation of the recommendations of the independent asylum commission by the UK Border Agency'.Download the report at:http://tiny.cc/EmbargoedIACaudit (pdf file, 1mb)The Migrants Rights Network has published its July 2009 newsletter.Sign-up to receive the newsletter at:http://www.migrantsrights.org.uk/#'Race' Equality, Early Years and Inclusion at the National Children's Bureau has published the latest edition of its newsletter: 'Equality and diversity bulletin'.To receive copies please email: http://uk.mc245.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=PLawrence@ncb.org.uk