Friday, 28 November 2008

The sounds of slavery

Latest News Flash on November 25th
Re: What Price Leadership Event with Jesse Jackson on November 29th

A successful Black Business man has purchased a number of places, which are to be set aside for small Black voluntary groups, and individuals that would not otherwise be able to afford to attend this historic event.
Consequently, free places are now available to individuals, and small organizations not able to afford the £59.00 cost. Priority will be given to voluntary youth groups (young people are a priority !), BAME community groups, students, low paid workers, and the unemployed, if you are an Equanomics subscriber, and you fit the above criteria then this offer will be open to you too.
Places are limited and there is great demand, so please only book if you are sure you will be attending on the day, we want as many people to benefit as possible...........
To book your News Flash place, email your full name, address, and contact details, please also state which of the criteria you meet, alternatively call:
Harninder on 07956 659 617 or Laura on 01932825888