Hon Freeman Mbowe the National Chair of CHADEMA was of the view in his presentation that there is no viable opposition in Tanzania
Hon Idd Simba- The Chairman of Pride Tanzania spoke about his time in governmenet and how difficult it was and it is now for Tanzanaia to negotiate at at innterenational level especially at the WTO due to lack of capacity
Ayoub mzee with Mheshimiwa Idd Simba
Mr Ludovick S.L Utouh the controller and Auditor General of Tanzania said that the work of his department was satsfactory in 20007 was the first time in the recent history of tanzania the public accounts committee recieved an annual report of the cobntroller and Audit General by march 31st
Tanzanians in the Diaspora asked so many questions especially about the EOPA nad Richmond Scandals
Yusuf Kashangwa Tanzania Trade center UK .

Ayoub mzee ,Yusuf kashangwa and Dr Harrison Mwakyembe MP, VICE CHAIR paliamentary Standing ncommittee on Energy and Minerals

Idd simaba with Mr Waziri Kindamba

The Zanzibar Welfare assaociation Chair-ZAWA UK chair

Mr Mark, Director of Africa research Institute the Host of the Event
By Ayoub Mzee
TWENTY years ago in the UK , when left-wingers were asked what kind of Scottish Parliament they wanted, they would reply: "A parliament with teeth."
It was a clumsy phrase, but they knew what they meant - a parliament with powers to intervene economically, particularly on jobs and industry. The teeth were for taking bites out of the corporate fat cats.EPA,RICHMOND ? !
It looks like Tanzania Politicians have come up with their own version. This happened yesterday in London when Dr Harrisson Mwakayembe MP ,Vice chair ,Parliamentary Committee on Energy and Minerals, Idd Simba Chair Pride Tanzania , Hon. Freeman Mbowe ,Chair CHADEMA and Ludovich S.L Utouh the controller and Audit General were guests of the House of Lords in Britain to Launch their book-Bunge Lenye Meno
The speeches rolved around Tanzania and its political stability, the relation ship between Development and Donor AID , the injustices at the global trading arena , the role of the opposition and issues about EPA and Richmond Scandals
Tanzania’s population possesses a high degree of political maturity and enjoys unfettered press freedom and a multi-party democracy. Since gaining independence in 1961, the country has witnessed a peaceful democratic change in top leadership twice.
Once again this is evident when the speaker of Parliament Hon William Shija ,members from the opposition Like John Cheyo and CCM- the ruling party members have all contributed to a book ; which underpins political maturity and stability in the country .Despite their political differences , their sense of political maturity is confirmed by their readiness to cooperate
Speaker after speaker went on and on! Hard, were words spoken gently as a symbol of their FREDOM.SOFTLY like streams they broke forth , with no flags of retreat ,LOUD like a roll of thunder-STRIKE!. The massage was got loud and clear in the corridors of power of England that the Tanzania of yesterday is not the Tanzania of today
Ayoub mzee ,Yusuf kashangwa and Dr Harrison Mwakyembe MP, VICE CHAIR paliamentary Standing ncommittee on Energy and Minerals
Idd simaba with Mr Waziri Kindamba
The Zanzibar Welfare assaociation Chair-ZAWA UK chair
Mr Mark, Director of Africa research Institute the Host of the Event
By Ayoub Mzee
TWENTY years ago in the UK , when left-wingers were asked what kind of Scottish Parliament they wanted, they would reply: "A parliament with teeth."
It was a clumsy phrase, but they knew what they meant - a parliament with powers to intervene economically, particularly on jobs and industry. The teeth were for taking bites out of the corporate fat cats.EPA,RICHMOND ? !
It looks like Tanzania Politicians have come up with their own version. This happened yesterday in London when Dr Harrisson Mwakayembe MP ,Vice chair ,Parliamentary Committee on Energy and Minerals, Idd Simba Chair Pride Tanzania , Hon. Freeman Mbowe ,Chair CHADEMA and Ludovich S.L Utouh the controller and Audit General were guests of the House of Lords in Britain to Launch their book-Bunge Lenye Meno
The speeches rolved around Tanzania and its political stability, the relation ship between Development and Donor AID , the injustices at the global trading arena , the role of the opposition and issues about EPA and Richmond Scandals
Tanzania’s population possesses a high degree of political maturity and enjoys unfettered press freedom and a multi-party democracy. Since gaining independence in 1961, the country has witnessed a peaceful democratic change in top leadership twice.
Once again this is evident when the speaker of Parliament Hon William Shija ,members from the opposition Like John Cheyo and CCM- the ruling party members have all contributed to a book ; which underpins political maturity and stability in the country .Despite their political differences , their sense of political maturity is confirmed by their readiness to cooperate
Speaker after speaker went on and on! Hard, were words spoken gently as a symbol of their FREDOM.SOFTLY like streams they broke forth , with no flags of retreat ,LOUD like a roll of thunder-STRIKE!. The massage was got loud and clear in the corridors of power of England that the Tanzania of yesterday is not the Tanzania of today