Monday 22 March 2021


New parking permit launched as roadmap begins to ease lockdown
NHS staff, key workers and volunteers are one of the main reasons we’re seeing light at the end of the coronavirus tunnel and throughout the pandemic, we’ve supported them in doing their jobs by issuing thousands of free parking permits.

Since March last year (2020), we’ve issued over 2,800 free parking permits, including 1,875 to NHS staff and other essential colleagues, such as London Fire Brigade, police, teachers, volunteers and other frontline workers.

As lockdown restrictions begin to ease and life starts to return to a new normal, so will council services, including having to charge for parking permits and we will be introducing a range of new parking permits from Thursday 1 April. This includes a special key worker parking permit, which will cost the equivalent of 27p a day. From 1 April, free key worker permits will no longer be available.

We will of course keep the situation under review in case we see a return to tighter lockdown restrictions.

If you currently have a free permit, you will be able to use it until Wednesday 31 March. You will need to apply and pay for a new key worker permit by Thursday 1 April.

The range of new permits brought in will also include one for commercial care agency staff and one for the voluntary sector.

All of the new permits are available to buy from the council website, where there is further information, including pricing.