Tuesday 29 March 2011

The Uganda Community Relief Association is a charitable organisation specialising in training, education, consultancy and research; with a special emphasis on the numeracy and literacy needs of adults and children in the minority and ethnic communities. UCRA designs and delivers a range of courses that will facilitate participants when finding a job; through developing soft skills, providing more self-confidence andby securing qualifications that should ultimately lead to employment. Above is their graduation ceremony Detention and Allegations of Torture of Political Activists in Zimbabwe Mar. 3: The United States is concerned about recent arrests in Zimbabwe targeting political and civil society activists. In recent weeks, there have been a number of other arrests of political and civil society activists. Full Text» Travel To Bolster North-South and Darfur Peace Processes Mar. 1: Ambassador Princeton Lyman and Ambassador Dane Smith will travel to the region in early March to support U.S. efforts to promote peace and stability in Sudan. Media Note» Conviction of Congolese Military Officers Accused of Mass Rapes Feb. 23: The United States Government welcomes the February 21st verdict and sentencing in the DRC of nine military personnel found guilty of ordering and carrying out mass rapes in the town of Fizi on New Year’s Day. Full