Hi thought I'd flag up this in case of interest to you guys? ''Young, Drifting and Black' conference is happening this Thursday 24th June - discussing hard
hitting issues about young black men (details below). The Mayor is speaking at 2pm - list of speakers / workshops below. Let me know if you want to pop along?
Event starts at 9.30am and the organisers are happy for media to attend. Event info is below,
Mayor's Press Office 7983 4599
This timely one-day conference is aimed at professionals across sectors working with black youth. The disproportionate number of black males involved in gangs and serious youth violence is an issue that is worrying and perplexing in equal measure. Collective insight into the roots of this trend reveal a complex inter-relationship between a number of different factors. Knowledge about solutions that work is growing and this conference is a platform for practitioners achieving results on both sides of the Atlantic.
Young, Drifting & Black will examine the different ways in which defiant behaviour in the classroom and community can be prevented and will provide powerful insights to enable a shift from reaction to prevention.
Participants will discover how to shape resistance into a resource and explore how behaviour is affected by gender differences and cultural pressures.
o Look at examples of best practice and what really works in reducing oppositional defiant behaviour
o Explore the unique role schools play in the prevention agenda
o Insights into effective engagement with boys, turning resistance into a resource
o Examine the drivers of oppositional defiant behaviour and its connections with anti-social behaviour 'on the streets'
o Identify the levers of change that enable a shift from reactive to preventative interventions, with special reference to an interdisciplinary approach involving schools
o Explore how city wide prevention can be practically achieved by looking at examples of where this has worked
o Highlight the unique contributions made by the voluntary sector in disrupting the formation and consolidation of gang culture
Boris Johnson, Mayor of London
9.00am Registration
Welcome from the Chair
Opening address
Ray Lewis
Director, Eastside Young Leaders' Academy
How to help boys learn self-control
Dr Abigail Norfleet James
Developmental and Educational Psychologist,
University of Virginia, USA
The special learning needs of black boys
Prof Gus John
Honorary Fellow, Institute of Education,
University of London
Lessons for a preventative approach from Baltimore, USA
Prof Philip Leaf
Senior Associate Director,
Urban Health Institute,
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
Questions and discussion
2pm Address by Mayor Boris Johnson
Best practice seminars
Video link to Police Commissioner in Baltimore
(followed by plenary and discussion)
Chaired by Fitzroy Andrew
Chief Diversity Adviser,
London Borough of Havering
and Trustee, Eastside Young Leaders' Academy
5.00pm Conference ends
Press release:
The growing disaffection of black boys and their increased involvement in gangs and use of knives and guns, which in recent times all too often results in murder and has become an increasingly serious problem for the country as a whole and something the new Government must take action to help resolve.
In order to produce a new focus how to best stem this tide a one day conference that will examine how to achieve effective prevention rather than simply reacting to current trends is being organised by a new organisation Capital Men on 24th June 2010 at The London Muslim Centre 89-92 Whitechapel Road, London E1 1JQ.
Alarming statistics from the London Serious Youth Violence Board shows that between 2007 and 2009, 85 per cent of homicide victims aged 10 to 19 was from the black and minority ethnic communities. Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London will provide the keynote speech and restate his ongoing commitment to address violent youth crime in London.
Despite its seriousness, few seem willing or able to address the matter head-on or to say why disproportionate numbers of Black boys are involved. Also, real solutions remain elusive. Policy makers, practitioners and academics fail to agree on what can be practically done to deal with the disproportionate involvement of black male youth. Huge investment in recent years, especially in urban areas, have largely failed to halt the breakdown of social cohesion, eliminate unequal opportunity or break the persistent cycle of social dysfunction and exclusion. On the back of new research - “Living On A Knife Edge” - that will be launched on the day, the conference will offer new perspectives on the root causes of the problem and what can practically be done to prevent it.
Leading experts from both sides of the Atlantic will provide insight the most current approaches to tackling the problem. These include from the US Dr Abigail Norfleet James, Prof Philip Lea and from the UK Prof Gus John and Ray Lewis. Special focus will be given to the crucial role of schools in forging a preventative approach, the components of smart interventions will be examined as well as how schools can begin working more closely with the community and voluntary sectors to implement robust, grassroots solutions.
Kit Malthouse, Deputy Mayor for Policing said: "We welcome any initiatives to help address this long term problem. I hope this conference will help to stimulate the kind of long-term, comprehensive approaches that we need to tackle this issue'.
Capital Men is a specialist mentoring and mediation service for black boys at risk of exclusion. If you would like further help, support, advice or training please
contact us at:
Tel: +44 (0)20 8519 0118
Email: info@youngdriftingandblack.org
Back England’s bid to host the 2018 FIFA World Cup and London as a Candidate Host City. Visit www.england2018bid.com or Text ‘England’ to 62018
hitting issues about young black men (details below). The Mayor is speaking at 2pm - list of speakers / workshops below. Let me know if you want to pop along?
Event starts at 9.30am and the organisers are happy for media to attend. Event info is below,
Mayor's Press Office 7983 4599
This timely one-day conference is aimed at professionals across sectors working with black youth. The disproportionate number of black males involved in gangs and serious youth violence is an issue that is worrying and perplexing in equal measure. Collective insight into the roots of this trend reveal a complex inter-relationship between a number of different factors. Knowledge about solutions that work is growing and this conference is a platform for practitioners achieving results on both sides of the Atlantic.
Young, Drifting & Black will examine the different ways in which defiant behaviour in the classroom and community can be prevented and will provide powerful insights to enable a shift from reaction to prevention.
Participants will discover how to shape resistance into a resource and explore how behaviour is affected by gender differences and cultural pressures.
o Look at examples of best practice and what really works in reducing oppositional defiant behaviour
o Explore the unique role schools play in the prevention agenda
o Insights into effective engagement with boys, turning resistance into a resource
o Examine the drivers of oppositional defiant behaviour and its connections with anti-social behaviour 'on the streets'
o Identify the levers of change that enable a shift from reactive to preventative interventions, with special reference to an interdisciplinary approach involving schools
o Explore how city wide prevention can be practically achieved by looking at examples of where this has worked
o Highlight the unique contributions made by the voluntary sector in disrupting the formation and consolidation of gang culture
Boris Johnson, Mayor of London
9.00am Registration
Welcome from the Chair
Opening address
Ray Lewis
Director, Eastside Young Leaders' Academy
How to help boys learn self-control
Dr Abigail Norfleet James
Developmental and Educational Psychologist,
University of Virginia, USA
The special learning needs of black boys
Prof Gus John
Honorary Fellow, Institute of Education,
University of London
Lessons for a preventative approach from Baltimore, USA
Prof Philip Leaf
Senior Associate Director,
Urban Health Institute,
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
Questions and discussion
2pm Address by Mayor Boris Johnson
Best practice seminars
Video link to Police Commissioner in Baltimore
(followed by plenary and discussion)
Chaired by Fitzroy Andrew
Chief Diversity Adviser,
London Borough of Havering
and Trustee, Eastside Young Leaders' Academy
5.00pm Conference ends
Press release:
The growing disaffection of black boys and their increased involvement in gangs and use of knives and guns, which in recent times all too often results in murder and has become an increasingly serious problem for the country as a whole and something the new Government must take action to help resolve.
In order to produce a new focus how to best stem this tide a one day conference that will examine how to achieve effective prevention rather than simply reacting to current trends is being organised by a new organisation Capital Men on 24th June 2010 at The London Muslim Centre 89-92 Whitechapel Road, London E1 1JQ.
Alarming statistics from the London Serious Youth Violence Board shows that between 2007 and 2009, 85 per cent of homicide victims aged 10 to 19 was from the black and minority ethnic communities. Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London will provide the keynote speech and restate his ongoing commitment to address violent youth crime in London.
Despite its seriousness, few seem willing or able to address the matter head-on or to say why disproportionate numbers of Black boys are involved. Also, real solutions remain elusive. Policy makers, practitioners and academics fail to agree on what can be practically done to deal with the disproportionate involvement of black male youth. Huge investment in recent years, especially in urban areas, have largely failed to halt the breakdown of social cohesion, eliminate unequal opportunity or break the persistent cycle of social dysfunction and exclusion. On the back of new research - “Living On A Knife Edge” - that will be launched on the day, the conference will offer new perspectives on the root causes of the problem and what can practically be done to prevent it.
Leading experts from both sides of the Atlantic will provide insight the most current approaches to tackling the problem. These include from the US Dr Abigail Norfleet James, Prof Philip Lea and from the UK Prof Gus John and Ray Lewis. Special focus will be given to the crucial role of schools in forging a preventative approach, the components of smart interventions will be examined as well as how schools can begin working more closely with the community and voluntary sectors to implement robust, grassroots solutions.
Kit Malthouse, Deputy Mayor for Policing said: "We welcome any initiatives to help address this long term problem. I hope this conference will help to stimulate the kind of long-term, comprehensive approaches that we need to tackle this issue'.
Capital Men is a specialist mentoring and mediation service for black boys at risk of exclusion. If you would like further help, support, advice or training please
contact us at:
Tel: +44 (0)20 8519 0118
Email: info@youngdriftingandblack.org
Back England’s bid to host the 2018 FIFA World Cup and London as a Candidate Host City. Visit www.england2018bid.com or Text ‘England’ to 62018