Donation from the Government of Turkey to the AU
Addis Ababa, April 2014 - Ambassador Jean-Baptiste Natama, Director of the Office of the African Union Commission’s Chairperson, on the 10th April 2014, met H.E. Osman R. Yavuzalp, Ambassador of Turkey to Ethiopia. The meeting that took place at the African Union Headquarters provided an opportunity for the Turkish ambassador to make a donation to the African Union Commission amounting to USD 1,000,000.00 (United States Dollar One Million).
Ambassador Osman R. Yavuzalp reaffirmed the commitment of his country to enhance its cooperation with the African Union and expressed its readiness to continue to support key priority projects to be carried out in Africa in different areas.
He noted that African States and the Commission of the African Union (AU), and the Republic of Turkey jointly developed “the Joint Implementation Plan of the Africa- Turkey Partnership 2010-2014”, in order to broaden the Africa-Turkey strategic partnership in accordance with the Istanbul Declaration of the First Africa-Turkey Partnership Summit of 19 August 2008 and to implement its Framework for Cooperation. The First Ministerial Review Conference of the Africa -Turkey Partnership was held on 19 December 2011, in Istanbul in line with the Follow-up Mechanism of the Istanbul Declaration on “Africa-Turkey Partnership”, adopted during the Senior Officials Meeting in Istanbul on 15 December 2010, which agreed to some identified key priority projects for immediate implementation.