Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Ubalozi wa Marekani sasa katika Facebook!
Unaweza kuingia katika Facebook yetu kwa kutumia anuani ifuatayo.
Kuwa mpenzi wa Facebook ya Ubalozi wa Marekani kwa kubofya “Become a Fan” ili uweze kuwasiliana na Wapenzi wengine wa Facebook hii na kupokea habari moto moto kutoka Ubalozini!
Unakaribishwa kushiriki katika majadiliano kwa kuweka maoni yako Ukutani (on the Wall), au katika kikundi cha majadiliano (the Discussion group) ili uweze kujadiliana na watu kutoka pande zote za dunia kuhusu masuala muhimu ikiwa ni pamoja na Sera ya Nje ya Marekani na Ushirikiano kati ya Marekani na Tanzania.
Tunakukaribisha katika Facebook yetu, na tuna shauku ya kupata maoni yako na kukupatia taarifa motomoto kutoka Ubalozini.
- Ubalozi wa Marekani,
* Zingatia: Utahitajika kufungua akaunti ya Facebook ili uweze kuwa mpenzi wa Facebook yetu, lakini huhitajiki kuwa na akaunti hiyo ili uweze kusoma tu yale yaliyomo kwenye Facebook hiyo.

The U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam is now on Facebook!
You can access our Facebook page at the following URL.
Become a Fan of the U.S. Embassy Dar es Salaam’s Facebook Page by clicking the “Become a Fan” button at the top to interact with other Fans and receive the latest updates from the Embassy!
Feel free to join in the discussion by posting your comments on the Wall, or in the Discussion group to interact with people from around the world and talk about important topics including U.S. Foreign Policy and U.S.-Tanzania relations.
We welcome to our Facebook page, and are looking forward to hearing your comments and providing you with the latest information from the Embassy.
- U.S. Embassy Dar es Salaam
* Note: You will need to create a Facebook account to become a Fan of our page, but you do not need a Facebook account to read our page by accessing the link.

The Eritrean Ambassador and Lord Ahmed in the House of Lords

The case for Eritrea in the House of Lords

Sheria Ngowi Fashion Show..Coming Soon...1st August...
Sheria Ngowi Fashion Show..Coming Soon...1st August...


La famille du Professeur Julien Ciakudia et toute la grande famille de l' Union des Patriotes Resistants pour la Liberation Totale du Congo (UPR), presentent ses condoleances les plus attristees a la famille de notre aine Le Senateur Janot Bemba Saolona.

De maniere particuliere nos encouragements et prieres vont a l'endroit de l' Ex- Vice President Jean-Pierre Bemba qui se trouve en ce moment a la Haye;
Qu'il trouve ici l'expression de notre profonde sympathie.

La mort subite du Senateur Bemba constitue une grande perte pour la RD Congo.

Nous saluons ici l'homme, cet grand homme d'affaires converti en homme politique.

Que son ame se repose en Paix et que notre Seigneur console toute sa famille et ses proches.

Pour l'UPR,

S.E. Le Prof. Rev. Julien Ciakudia
President national