Mr Johnson started his first week at City Hall by calling for action to halt the "disastrous" effects of "children too often growing up without boundaries and without respect".
He proposed a new network of 100 "Saturday schools" for disaffected children, and praised the work of London boxing clubs, saying they represented a route to "physical release" for young people as well as a path back into education
‘Reporting and Recording Zimbabwe’
Saturday 28, June 2008, 9.00 – 5.00pm
St. Antony’s College, 62 Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6JF Nissan Lecture Theatre
The BZS Research Day 2008 will explore how the Zimbabwe story was ‘reported and recorded’ both prior and post Independence. The Day will highlight a range of research questions, including: How has the western media, in particular the British media, covered the Zimbabwe story? How difficult is it for local journalists inside Zimbabwe to cover the story? Who sets the news agenda?
There is a long history of state attempts in Zimbabwe to control the media, alongside state support for mass media as a means to reach both rural and urban populations. In recent years, newspapers have been shut down, some radio stations jammed, some journalists arrested, and others gone into exile. This media environment has been deemed repressive by a broad range of commentators, while government supporters have portrayed the independent media as the product of externally-funded and destabilising fifth columnists. The Research Day will attempt to put these developments into broader historical, legal and media contexts.
The pattern of the day is to hold four 90 minute sessions plus a concluding discussion. The opening session will provide a historical overview of the politics of mass media in Zimbabwe; the 2 nd panel will evaluate the western media coverage of Zimbabwe; the third session will look at media regulation and the fourth session will look at the role of new media. Each panel will include opportunities for questions and comments from the floor. In concluding, the Research Day will draw generalisations from the day and indicate fruitful areas for future research and its application.
To register for the Research Day please use the form below. For further information on the programme itself contact the convenors:
Forward Maisokwadzo
Professor Diana Jeater
Professor Terence Ranger
Nordic Africa Institute event:
The 2008 Research Day is being organised in collaboration with the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) in Uppsala, Sweden, who are convening a by-invitation seminar on Friday 27 June at St Antony's College entitled Towards Cultural Constructions of Zimbabwe. For more information, see the NAI website
Or contact the convenor, Mai Palmberg,
Draft Programme
09.00 Registration
09.30 Panel A Opening session- Mass Media and Politics in Zimbabwe: An historical overview
Chair: Dr Winston Mano
University of Westminster
1. Bill Saidi , Veteran Zimbabwean Journalist and Editor, The Zimbabwe Standard
2. Terence Ranger , Oxford University and President, Britain Zimbabwe Society
11.00 Tea / Coffee
11.15 Session 2 Panel B : Evaluating Western Media Coverage of Zimbabwe
Speakers to include:
Chair: Jim Boumehla
International Federation of Journalists
1. Wendy Willems
SOAS, University of London
2. Christina Lamb
Sunday Times
3. Wilf Mbanga
The Zimbabwean (tbc)
4. Ish Mafundikwa
Voice of America London Bureau
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Session 3 Panel C : Political, Commercial and Legal Pressures on Journalists (Media Regulation). Speakers to include:
Chair : Gugulethu Moyo, International Bar Association
1. Rashweat Mukundu , Director, MISA Zimbabwe Chapter
2. Dr Alex Magaisa , Kent University
3. Sandra Nyaira , Secretary, Association of Zimbabwe Journalists UK and former Daily News Political Editor
4. Gerry Jackson , Manager, SW Radio Africa
15.15 Session 4 Panel D: Cyber democracy: a Role for New Media? Speakers to include:
Chair: Knox Chitiyo
1. Clayton Peel, PhD Candidate
2. Last Moyo, Post Doctoral Fellow
3. Mduduzi Mathuthu , Editor,
4. Jonathan Zilberg , Research Fellow, National Museum of African Art
16.45 Conclusion: Chair and commentator: Diana Jeater, UWE and BZS Chair
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To register in advance, print out, complete and return this form with your cheque to: Marieke Clarke, 5a Crick Road, Oxford OX2 6QJ (Email: )
Registration fees: £17 BZS members; £30 non-members; £5 unwaged
I am a member / not a member of BZS
NAME _________________________________________________________
TELEPHONE: ____________________________________________________ POSTAL ADDRESS: _______________________________________________
I enclose a cheque for £________made out to Britain Zimbabwe Society (sorry, we cannot take credit/debit card payments). Please note that this fee does not include lunch or refreshments.
Acknowledgement of registration will be sent by email, or by post if you send a stamped addressed envelope. If you need advice about accommodation in Oxford, please look at the website or contact Marieke Clarke, 5a Crick Road, Oxford OX2 6QJ Email: