By Ayoub Mzee-London
The Tanzania Minister of Tourism Hon Ezekel Mahige MP and his Zanzibar counterpart HON Jihad Hassan were present at the first day of World Travel Market 2011, the leading global event for the travel industry, which was a resounding success with exhibitor invitations visitors up a massive 14% on WTM 2010. He led a delegation of more than 50 exhibitors
On the Monday of WTM is an Exhibitor Invite only day with the aim of allowing exhibitors to hold discussions and negotiations with those people that they want to conduct business with.Our minister Mahige used this day to woe investors but also talk to local exhibitors about their experiences .This day at the WTM 2011 saw more than 7,600 (7,614) Exhibitor Invitations visitors attend, according to unaudited figures.
More than 200 of the exhibitor invitees buyers took part in the highly successful Speed Networking session, which took place for the first time before the exhibition opened to allow even more time for exhibitors and buyers from WTM Meridian Club to negotiate and conclude deals at WTM 2011.
Furthermore, 40 luxury travel buyers had pre-scheduled business appointments with 40 luxury travel brands in the session – A Taste of ILTM at WTM. It is the first time WTM has hosted a pre-scheduled appointment session.
Overall, total attendance on the first day at WTM 2011 was 8% up on WTM 2010 with almost 23,000 (22,913) participants, with exhibitors 4% higher than at WTM 2010 reveals the raw data.Beore we went to press it was not possible to get figures of how many visitor visited Tanzania Stand
The marketing Team of TTB went on record to say that he number of visitors has soared due to the advertisemtn that tanzania is running at the English premiership league grounds in England