Ubuntu-it's a word describing an African worldview, which translates as "I am because you are," and which means that individuals need other people to be fulfilled. And that is what this blog is all about.My contact details are: Ayoub Mzee- Tel +447960811614, email: swahilidiaries@yahoo.co.uk. Alternatively you can watch my program- swahili diaries on BEN TV SKY 184 or www.bentelevision.com every week Tuesdays at 10pm and Sundays at 10AM. Enjoy News stories in Photographs

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

27th June 2011
As-salaamu Alaikum Wa'rahmatullahi Wa'barakatuh
We invite you to the inaugural Mercy Mission Sisters Conference 2011!
There are many challenges for the contemporary British Muslimah. Successful careers, focused paths to pursuing knowledge and the real world pressures of playing an active role at home and trying to find a suitable spouse are all real issues which we all face.
In order to have some genuine dialogue recognizing the pressures of the time and respond to the issues that all of us face in the pursuit of happiness; we invite you to attend this conference by sisters for sisters, taking place:
16th of July 2011
0930 am - 1830 pm.
@ The Grange City Hotel, London.
Join us at the 5 star prestigious London hotel where we will take a journey exploring the realities of contemporary life in the light of the divine decree of Allah and focusing on how to make the most of our every moment.
Speakers include, Na'ima B. Robert, Fatima Barkatulla, Sayyidah Zayidi, Umm Raiyaan, Zohra Sarwari and many more inspirational speakers.
Seats are very limited, so buy tickets now for this unique event, which will be a great source of spiritual enlightenment and phenomenal networking.
Monday, 27 June 2011
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Crisis in the Congo: Uncovering the Truth
On Thursday, June 30, 2011, the 51st anniversary of the Democratic Republic of Congo's independence, Friends of the Congo will host premiere screenings of Crisis in the Congo: Uncovering the Truth in select cities throughout the United States and Canada (New York, Washington, Toronto, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Detroit, Ann Arbor and Pittsburgh).
Crisis in the Congo: Uncovering the Truth explores the role that the United States and Great Britain's allies, Rwanda and Uganda, have played in triggering the greatest humanitarian crisis at the dawn of the 21st century. The screenings will be a short version of the feature length production to be released in the near future. The film locates the Congo crisis in a historical, social and political context. Leading experts, practitioners, activists and intellectuals provide analysis and prescriptions that are not readily available to the general public.Featured prominently in the film are such figures as Adam Hochschild, author of King Leopold's Ghost, Anneke Van Woudenberg, senior researcher at Human Rights Watch, and Former New York Times Reporter Howard French, author of A Continent for the Taking.The film is a call to conscience and action.Click here to view clips from the film and find out the time and locations of the June 30th screenings. Should you wish to screen the film contact us here.Trailerhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ii3tlD-l6k Film Websitehttp://congojustice.org/ You Tubehttp://www.youtube.com/crisisinthecongo Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/CrisisInTheCongo We encourage you to continue supporting the work of Friends of the Congo. It is through your contribution that we are able to pursue justice in support of the people of the Congo. Click here to support our work!
Friday, 24 June 2011
Although Tanzania suffers from an imperfect form of liberal democracy and high levels of corruption, it has attracted unprecedented levels of foreign investment over the past fifteen years, and is predicted by the IMF to be one of the fastest growing countries in the world over the next decade. This provides some grounds for thinking that Tanzania represents a case of ‘developmental patrimonialism’, a type of regime that achieves development without conforming to ‘good governance’ orthodoxy. This Research Report rejects that idea. Drawing links between the management of economic rents and the climate for business and investment, it shows that rent-management in Tanzania remains largely decentralised and undisciplined, with deleterious consequences for investors. The authors conclude that Tanzania is a case of ‘non-developmental patrimonialism’, and its regime is likely to face a mounting legitimacy crisis in coming years.
More on Tanzania: the new APPP Background Papers listed below explore specific aspects of this Research Report:
APPP Background Paper 01, Public goods, rents and business in Tanzania, Brian Cooksey, June 2011
Brian Cooksey’s paper examines rents, public goods and the investment and business environment in contemporary Tanzania. It is based on a review of the academic literature, government, international development agency and media reports, and interviews with a wide range of respondents.
APPP Background Paper 02, The investment and business environment for export horticulture in northern Tanzania, Brian Cooksey, June 2011
Although the investment and business environment places serious obstacles in the way of potential investors, foreign investment in Tanzania reached record levels prior to the global credit crisis of 2008-09, driven primarily by investments in gold mining and other minerals, and tourism. This report focuses on Tanzania’s commercial flower, cuttings and seed companies (‘export horticulture’) and asks whether the obstacles to foreign investment might be neutralised by other factors.
The research looks at access to land and water rights, other determinants of investment in horticulture, and the factors influencing profitability.
APPP Background Paper 03, The investment and business environment for gold exploration and mining in Tanzania, Brian Cooksey, June 2011
Despite serious shortages of human capital and inadequate economic infrastructure and regulation, Tanzania has managed to attract unprecedented amounts of foreign direct investment (FDI) during the last fifteen years. Yet, despite tax and other official investment incentives, the large foreign mining companies (FMCs) have received a hostile reception by the Tanzanian public at both local and national levels. NGOs have campaigned against FMCs on perceived human rights violations while political and media commentary are almost unanimous in denouncing FMCs for not paying taxes. This report examines the factors that influence FDI and local investment in gold exploration and mining.
I am writing on behalf of a Royal African Society programme entitled Africa-UK which seeks to increase dialogue between the UK based African Diaspora and UK Policy makers.
Faith Communities have impacted poverty alleviation in Africa through their various NGOs and similar bodies and much of this work is on-going. However, research has identified that a good proportion of the support offered tends to be on the short term.
On Thursday 30th June we are organising a meeting on the role of faith organisations in development – focusing particularly on how Faith Communities in the Diaspora can engage with job and wealth creation and support enterprise, impacting development in Africa. The meeting will take place between 6pm – 8.30pm in the CPA/IPU room in the Houses of Parliament.
The audience will be made up of the African Diaspora members of Faith Communities, Policy makers and friends of Africa. Please circulate this information to your networks to encourage their participation. It is however important for participants to email as below to confirm attendance.
Please confirm your attendance so we can email to you the official confirmation.
Please email your confirmation to: odonoghuea@parliament.uk
Yours Sincerely
Anna Vanderpuye Owunne
Thursday, 23 June 2011
responsible tourism
When we visit beautiful places it's natural to want our holidays to have a positive impact on local people and their environments
We believe you should reduce the amount you fly, rather than flying the same as before and offsetting.
Take fewer and longer holidays
Take some holidays closer to home
Travel by train and public transport where possible
Book direct flights avoiding transfers
Use public transport in destinations where possible . You can even walk any way
Buy local produce in preference to imported goods
Hire a local guide - you'll discover more about local culture and lives, and they will earn an income
Do not buy products made from endangered species, hard woods or ancient artefacts
Respect local cultures, traditions and holy places - if in doubt ask advice or don't visit
Use public transport, hire a bike or walk when convenient - its a great way to meet local people on their terms and reduce pollution and carbon emissions
Use water sparingly - its very precious in many countries and tourists tend to use far more than local people
Remember that local people have different ways of thinking and concepts of time, this just makes them different not wrong - cultivate the habit of asking questions (rather than the Western habit of knowing the answers). For
One of Chobe Safari Lodges original accommodation types, the traditional thatched rondavels are independently positioned, with ceiling fans and en-suite bathrooms. These detached units are positioned close to the river in the lodge gardens.
before you book your holidayChoose a responsible operator
Ask to see the tour operator's policy for responsible tourism.
One of Chobe Safari Lodges original accommodation types, the trditional thatched rondavels are independently positioned, with ceiling fans and en-suite bathrooms. These detached units are positioned close to the river in the lodge gardens.
This is Karuma.Districts in Northern Uganda, through which the River Nile passes, have not yet fully maximized the tourism potential available to them. This is most noticeable around the stunning Karuma Falls.The Karuma Falls are located at the south of the Murchison Falls National Park, just at the border of Masindi, Amuru and Oyam districts. The parkland around it boasts a wide range of birds, antelopes, lions, elephants, giraffes, baboons, monkeys and buffalos.The falls are a place of numerous investment possibilities. However the word Karuma is still synonymous, for some, with a history of civil strive, warfare and death. During the Lord's Resistance Army war, the bridge over the Karuma Falls was the point at which travelers moved from peace to insecurity. For government forces, the goal for many years was to make sure that the rebels didn't make it across the bridge into the south.Now that peace has returned to Northern Uganda, some people, like me are venturing into the Karuma Falls Game Reserve.It is now safe
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
June 21, 2011
The U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Embassy in South Africa, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the White House are sponsoring the Young African Women Leaders Forum, a two-day workshop and conference in South Africa for women across the continent. The Young African Women Leaders Forum builds on existing partnerships with African youth and African women, as part of the Administration’s commitment to enhanced engagement with the people of Africa and the governments of African nations. On June 22, 2011, First Lady Michelle Obama will address the Forum, and participate in the discussion and service activities with 76 young women leaders - 44 from South Africa and 32 from 23 other African countries.
The African women leaders range in age from 16 to 30 and represent the fields of education, health, civil society, business, and the media. U.S. embassies in Africa in coordination with USAID, African organizations, delegates to the August 2010 President’s Forum with Young African Leaders in Washington, and the White House selected the participants. They will explore opportunities in education, entrepreneurship, and health to empower young women as leaders of social, economic and political development on the continent. Through the Forum, we are working to expand the network among young African women and to strengthen our partnerships with civil society, business and governments in Africa. To expand the discussion of young women’s leadership, the Africa Bureau of the Department of State has dedicated its Facebook page to a discussion of these themes, challenges and solutions. By creating a platform for a focused conversation around the Forum and the First Lady’s trip to southern Africa, we hope to facilitate networking among Africans and between Africans and Americans. We invite you to visit http://www.facebook.com/DOSAfricanAffairs.
Part of the sustained effort by the United States to understand the aspirations of young Africans and learn how we can become better partners to build a more just, democratic and prosperous future for all the people of Africa, this Forum follows on the August 2010 President's Forum with Young African Leaders in Washington, DC, the many programs hosted by U.S. embassies in Africa throughout the year, and the month-long Dialogue with Young African Leaders that produced more than 200 programs in 37 countries in Africa during May 2011. Working with African civil society, business and government, the U.S. Government seeks to use these activities to give young Africans a platform from which to express their values and aspirations. Looking forward to the African Union Summit June 30-July 1, 2011, we support the values of the African Union Youth Charter and will continue to work across the continent to further those goals.
More information can be found at: http://www.state.gov/p/af/rls/fs/2011/166609.htm
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
He is reasearching on How the BBC can work together on programs that are of our communities' interest. His main focus is on issues of child abuse and trafficking
Campaign Against Arms Trade and The Corner House withdrew their application for a judicial review of the 5 February 2010 decision by the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) to enter a controversial plea bargain settlement with BAE Systems and to drop "conspiracy to corrupt" charges against a BAE former agent. They concluded they were unable to appeal against the 22 March 2010 refusal by a High Court judge to grant permission to bring the legal challenge. Nonetheless, both CAAT and The Corner House will continue to raise questions about the settlement and the process leading up to it.
Legal letter withdrawing judicial review application
Lawyers acting for Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) and The Corner House lodged papers on 26 February 2010 at the High Court in London asking for an injunction to delay the UK's Serious Fraud Office (SFO) from seeking court approval for its controversial plea bargain settlement with BAE Systems pending the outcome of a Judicial Review. They lodged papers requesting the Judicial Review at the same time.
In 2001 BAE sold a £28million Watchman air traffic control system to Tanzania, one of the world's poorest countries. The sale was funded through a loan from Barclays Bank. The deal was backed by then Prime Minister Tony Blair, but opposed by his International Development Secretary Clare Short, who, though she had no evidence, said she did not think the contract "could have been made cleanly". In 2002 the International Civil Aviation Organisation said the system used dated technology and was not adequate for civil aviation. Norman Lamb MP, who compiled a dossier on the deal, said a modern system could have been provided for 10% of the cost.
The documents released as part of the December 2010 UK plea bargain hearing, see above, revealed what had happenned. In October 1999, an agreement was drawn up between two companies controlled by BAE and two under the control of BAE's Tanzanian agent Sailesh Vithlani - one called Marlin International Ltd and the other, the Envers Trading Corporation. Merlin was a Tanzanian company and under the agreement was to receive 1% of the contract price from BAE itself; Envers, based in Panama, received 30% of the contract price via Red Diamond. The total paid was approximately $12.4million.
An international arrest warrant was issued for Sailesh Vithlani in August 2007 and a criminal case has been filed in Tanzania charging him with perjury and lying under oath in connection with the radar deal. He is said to have been in Europe and reports say he was interrogated by the SFO in July 2009.
In April 2008, Andrew Chenge, Tanzania's Infrastructure Minister, who had been Attorney General at the time of the radar purchase, resigned following claims regarding £500,000 in a Jersey bank account. He does not dispute the money's existence, but denies it came from BAE. One report alleges that Sailesh Vithlani sent a copy of a legal opinion by Andrew Chenge to Barclays stating that the purchase would not make Tanzania ineligible for International Monetary Fund loans.
It was reported in May 2011 that BAE had set up a committee of six people, three of them BAE employees, to decide how the £29.5million payment agreed as part of the UK plea bargain should be spent. The Tanzanian and, allegedly, the UK governments were said to be unhappy about this and thought the money should go to the Tanzanian government.
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
In early 2011, the International Development Committee of the House of Commons (the lower house of the UK’s parliament) announced an Inquiry into Financial Crime and Development. The inquiry’s premise is that “financial crimes undermine development when public money is diverted from necessary legitimate expenditure programmes in order to enrich private individuals.”
Its example was that of BAE Systems, convicted in December 2010 of failing to keep proper books and records in relation to the sale of an air traffic control system to Tanzania. BAE agreed to pay £29.5 million for the benefit of the people of Tanzania, an amount representing the price of the sale minus the company’s fine of £500,000
This Corner House submission states that those found guilty in the UK of financial crimes in developing countries should be required by the court to make reparations, which are more than simply financial payments. The evidence stresses that BAE’s proposed payment for the benefit of the people of Tanzania is not reparations, compensation or damages, but simply a refund a decade later of money paid for goods that were not fit for purpose. The UK court did not require BAE to make any payments; the agreement to do so is solely between the SFO and the company.
The submission stresses that reparations and payments must be completely separated from fines, confiscation orders, sentences and other penalties for financial crimes. It states that BAE should have no say over this payment.
To ensure that the payment is used for the benefit of the people of Tanzania, many questions need to be asked and wider advice sought in a transparent decision-making process. In general, the UK authorities need to give further thought to carrying out reparations and payments without contributing to the problems that triggered the crime in the first place.
Evidence was also submitted to this Inquiry by Campaign Against Arms Trade, Christian Aid, Global Witness, Transparency International (UK), Tearfund and CAFOD, DfID, SFO and BAE Systems
Campaign Against Arms Trade and The Corner House are challenging the blanket immunity from prosecution given by the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) to BAE Systems as part of its February 2010 plea bargain settlement with the company.
The immunity clause states that:
"There shall be no further investigations or prosecutions of any member of the BAE Systems Plc group for any conduct preceding 5 February 2010."
Solicitors Leigh Day & Co (acting for the two groups) have written to the SFO Director arguing that this clause should be quashed.
The immunity covers any criminal conduct, including that unrelated to bribery, corruption and serious fraud and including that not disclosed by BAE to the SFO. It is not limited to the alleged bribery that the SFO had been investigating.
This clause became public only when the terms of the SFO's BAE settlement agreement were read out in open court on 21 December 2010 by Mr Justice Bean. In his highly critical judgment of the "loosely and perhaps hastily drafted agreement", Justice Bean stated:
"I am surprised to find a prosecutor granting a blanket indemnity for all offences committed in the past, whether disclosed or otherwise."
In exchange for securing this immunity, BAE pleaded guilty to a relatively minor accounting offence in its complex scheme of offshore companies used to pass and make payments relating to its supply of a radar system to Tanzania.
The legal letter states that "no public prosecutor . . . could properly enter into a settlement agreement guaranteeing immunity in respect of serious criminal offences of which it was entirely unaware."
If BAE has disclosed all relevant conduct to the SFO, however, there is no reason for the immunity clause. "The inference must be that BAE still has something to hide, of which the SFO is currently unaware," says the letter.
In these circumstances, the two groups state that "it is impossible to understand how the public interest is served" by the "exceptional, unusual and entirely unnecessary" immunity clause.
Update 25 February 2011
The SFO accepted (on 19 January 2011) that the agreement was not well drafted, and both BAE and the SFO accepted that they will interpret the settlement agreement very narrowly, particularly Paragraph 8 stating "There shall be no further investigations or prosecutions of any member of the BAE Systems Plc group for any conduct preceding 5 February 2010." BAE’s lawyers stated (on 22 February 2011):
". . . we confirm that our client would not dispute that paragraph 8 should properly be interpreted as meaning that the SFO will not prosecute our client's group in relation to matters which were the subject of its investigations or of which the SFO was otherwise aware before the date of the settlement."
On this basis, both groups decided not to pursue the matter further as these replies achieved the substance of what we were asking for: BAE has not been given blanket immunity.
In sentencing BAE, Mr Justice Bean said (paragraph 5):
"The Settlement Agreement is, with respect, loosely and perhaps hastily drafted. In paragraph 6 "any person" is not defined, and paragraph 10 is not, at least expressly, confined to conduct preceding the agreement. But the heart of the matter is paragraph 8, whereby the SFO agreed that there would be "no further investigation or prosecutions of any member of the BAE Systems Group for any conduct preceding 5 February 2010." It is relatively common for a prosecuting authority to agree not to prosecute a defendant in respect of specified crimes which are admitted and listed in the agreement: this is done, for example, where the defendant is an informer who will give important evidence against co-defendants. But I am surprised to find a prosecutor granting a blanket indemnity for all offences committed in the past, whether disclosed or otherwise. The US Department of Justice did not do so in this case: it agreed not to prosecute further for past offences which had been disclosed to it."
By Ayoub mzee -London
Today a group of Tanzania all party parliamentarians visited Britain as a part of a fact find mission on how the people of Tanzania will get their money as a result of a ruling in a case where the Arms company BAE Systems which pleaded guilty at a Cfrown Court in London to minor charges of false accounting relating to its controversial sale of military radar equipment to Tanzania in 1999.This group led by the Deputy speaker Hon Job Ndugai Mp comprised of Hon. Mussa Zungu MP Angelah Kairuki MP, John Cheyo MP, Ms Justina Shauri from the Parliament of Tanzania ,Grace Shangali ,assistant Director of Europe and America Department , Assah Mambene , Head of information -Foreign Affairs and Olivia Maboko ,desk officer (UK) at the Department of Europe and America The sale has been surrounded by allegations of corruption.
During the court ruling it was stated that that British Aerospace Defense Systems Limited failed:
"to keep accounting records which were sufficient to show and explain payments made pursuant to (a) a contract between Red Diamond Trading Limited and Envers Trading Corporation, (b) a further contract between British Aerospace (Operations) Limited and Merlin International Limited." Under the settlement, BAE pleaded guilty to not accounting accurately for $12.4m of payments made between 1999 and 2005 to a Tanzania-based businessman, Shailesh Vithlani, for his work as a marketing agent in helping to secure a £28 million radar contract from the Government of Tanzania in 1999.
Mr Justice Bean said he accepted "there is no evidence that BAE was party to an agreement to corrupt". But pointed out that they "did not need to be" because the company had deliberately structured the payments to the agent via an offshore company controlled by BAE to another Panama-based company controlled by Mr Vithlani so that they were placed “at two or three removes from any shady activity”.
Moreover, in the basis of the plea accompanying the agreement, BAE admitted the following:
"Although it is not alleged that BAE plc was party to an agreement to corrupt, there was a high probablility that part of the $12.4 million [paid to the Tanzania agent] would be used in the negotiation process to favour British Aerospace Defence Systems Ltd."
As Mr Justice Bean said of this high probability:
"indeed there was. Otherwise it is inexplicable . . . why the payments . . . exceeded $12m; and even more inexplicable why 97% of that money should have been channelled via . . . an offshore company controlled by BAE, and paid to . . . another offshore company controlled by Mr Vithlani."
The problem is that BAE has decline to pay the people of Tanzania the said sum citing corruption. Intead it has set up A panel of advisory board on Tanzania which will be chaired by Lord Cairns. Philippa Foster Back, OBE will serve as Deputy Chair. .This panel will advise them on how to pay Tanzania
Monday, 20 June 2011
transplant coming soon.
By Macharia gakuru
Last week I had a very nice dream. I was swimming in River Ragati in Karatina, central Kenya very
near the village of Giakaibei. My old boy and school friends had just finished fishing a
famous fish called ‘Gateru,’ famous for its two long beard like look.
We had just eaten our catch by roasting on fire lit in tinned banners
called ‘nugi’ that were very effective when it was cold as we grazed
the goats just by the banks of the river Ragati.
We then unclothed stuck naked as the day we were born and jumped in
the rivers to swim. As I came up in the water as I gulp for air I
woke up. I looked at the wall clock. I was late for work and drawing
the curtains it was raining heavily.
I was so disappointed to find that I was still in the UK and I was
going out in the rain leaving the comfort of my bed and the beautiful
dream of my youth when everything worked with no care in the world.
But that dream of us fishing was not true. The dream that had become
true two years this May 2011 is that for patients with end kidney
failure there is a chance for them to live again a normal life as the
dialysis unit at Kikuyu PCEA Hospital is now open with Ultra modern
haemodialysis machines from one of the best dialysis manufactures –
Fresenius of Germany.
I was in the Frisk ward at Kings College Hospital Denmark Hill in May
2008. Nobody knew what was to come of me. In fact with all the
monitoring available in this private room I was to visitors I must say
probably they felt there were chances I was to live or die. And in any
case who knows, when you are admitted in a hospital you may live or
your health may deteriorate and die.
The evening came and as it is at the moment the Deputy Secretary
General of PCEA Rev Francis Njoroge was in town. Him accompanied with
Rev Kibathi came to see me and say a word of prayer. This was just the
beginning of a transformation to my second life. For the next one year
I was to be on dialysis as my kidney had totally failed to clean my
I did not recognise then what was the magnitude of this ‘Tornado’ or
if you like ‘Tsunami’ that had hit me. It swept away all I liked and
wanted to be. What I valued and stood for and in brought a new dawn, a new me.
It is only now two years on that I look back and see the extent of
what could have gone wrong and appreciate the changes that have come
or I find deep in me that I realise I am not the same person that was.
Coming to think of it, many in Kenya and more so East Africa, among
the poor or even well up if you have kidney failure you will die. You
will have a slow death which may last about a month. You with swell
your feet in fluid and finally you will drown in your own fluids and
toxic waste with a total organs failure. Then a sudden death!
Then the gossip will fill the air. Some will say he was killed by
AIDS other he was bewitched while a some of Christians will point to
a book that I have written ‘Deya and the Miracle Babies.’ They will
quote the bible verses and say, ‘Macharia wa Gakuru was punished by
God.’ Some may pride in this but man is not God. Men and women the
power of life and death is not in our hands.
The family will mourn for months and my children will grow without
their birth father, Friends will mourn and keep me in their short
memory before as many others before have come and gone. Thank God
that this was not me. My kidney failure meant life to many kidney
patients even long after i am buried and for this i am grateful to
As I sat on the bed at the end of Frisk ward in the first floor at
Kings Hospital I did not see the seriousness of kidney failure.
Then the consultant explained, ‘you have a renal failure and it means
for the rest of your life you have to e on dialysis unless you get a
kidney donor. This is a long way off even if you have a donor today
there is a medical process to follow.’
‘What do you mean doctor?’ I asked her.
‘It means each week you will have to come to the hospital there times
to have your blood cleaned by an external mechanical kidney if you
have to live.’
This still to me did not register as being a serious issue of life and
death. I looked around and from nowhere a thought came, ‘Doctor I
know what I can do with this!’ I exclaimed confidently as though
nothing serious had happened to me, ‘I can help many in Kenya who do
not have the medical privileges that I do have. I can help establish
dialysis Units in East Africa.’
‘Look you have to look after yourself first before anyone else then
when you are well you can help others,’ she replied expressing her
position that probably I did not realise what kidney failure meant.
When I left the hospital I scaled down my work and found a lot of time
in my hands. I wrote hundreds of letter asking for donations for
dialysis machines. I could not get a breakthrough. I wrote also to the
Minister of health in Kenya Professor Anyang Nyongo expressing my
desire and asking if I could help.
I with a group of good friend Dr Antony Githari and a few others who I
am grateful for their contribution were given the first breakthrough
by the good professor. He wrote to us giving us eight provincial
hospitals to equip with dialysis machines. Unfortunately he went quite
following the ministry’s bureaucracy.
It was Rev Njoroge the man who prayed for me that a breakthrough came.
By then the Germany company had listened to my story and the proposal
we had and they were willing to act on it. Kikuyu PCEA Hospital was
willing to accept to have the machines.
As the dream was to run the dialysis units all over east Africa for
free, this dream will happen. Rome was not build in a day. Just as
people are getting more aware and interested in good health, the
government is also putting some effort in making health affordable
through the NHIF.
But we want Kikuyu PCEA Hospital dialysis unit to be equally as good as
its eye clinic and other services that are offered at the hospital
which are know all over the East Africa region.
I am confident in saying that the Kidney patients in Kikuyu hospital
with have an added service. With the help and support of the Moderator
Rev Njoroge and the management board of the Kikuyu PCEA hospital God
had been kind to us. They made my dream come true. And not just that,
we are in discussion with willing partners here in the UK - surgeons,
and medical professions to have kidney transplants in the hospital for
free in the coming months. In fact this will happen as the hospital
has already prepared and modernised its ICU, theatres and also the
oxygen plant.
Please it is our time to give back to our communities where we came
from. Kenya is changing and changing first. If you are in your holiday
why not visit the school near you or even your former school and
inspire the children, why not visit the hospital and buy a blood
pressure machine for them or even a children’s home near you? Do your
bit to change the life’s around you.
Finally my second life has been the best and the most a wonderful time
I have ever had. God took all I cared for away. I enjoy what I do, how
I do it and I worry less, careless even when things do not go
according to my expectation. Life is for living, enjoy it.
On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 12:58 PM, bethuel mwaura
To you all great dads
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "webmaster@ucb.co.uk"
To: bwmwaura2001@yahoo.com
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 5:41 AM
Subject: UCB Word For Today - Characteristics of a Great Dad (1)
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to more people
15 Jun 2011
Characteristics of a Great Dad (1)
...we loved you so much... 1 Thessalonians 2:8
Becoming a great dad calls for a man having a close relationship with his heavenly Father. Applying the principles Paul used when fathering his spiritual children can equip you to become a great dad. Speaking to his 'children,' Paul demonstrates the warmth of a mother and the muscle of a father (see 1 Thessalonians 2:7-11). For the next few days, let's observe some of Paul's fathering principles: Making them feel loved. 'We loved you so much.' Paul chose a seldom-used Greek word for love, not the usual word for unconditional love or brotherly affection. The word he used meant a strong, warm, spontaneous magnetism-an endearing term used normally with a very young child. Why would Paul speak this way to adults? Because the need to be loved is one we never outgrow! He wanted them to feel loved. The Bible says: '...the greatest of these is love' (1 Corinthians 13:13 NKJV). Dad, more than anything else, that is what your children need from you and it doesn't have a thing to do with their age; they need it as much in adulthood as they did in childhood. Your adolescent will probably cringe if you're affectionate with them around their peers, but deep inside they'll appreciate it. And it has nothing to do with their gender. Both sexes need to feel loved. Your teenage daughter is likely to return your hugs and words, while your teenage son will probably roll his eyes and grunt inarticulately. Love them anyhow, until they're old enough to tell you how good it felt!
Bible in a Year: 2 Kings 21-23; Mark 14:1-11; Ps 73:1-16; Pr 13:17-19;
Sunday, 19 June 2011
In 2000, 110 million children in the world were not in school—two thirds of them
were girls. In 2010, filmmakers Frederick Rendina and Oren Rudavsky traveled to
Nepal and Uganda, two countries emerging from conflict and struggling with
poverty, to find the answer to one question: What does it take to educate a girl?
Framed by the United Nations global initiative to provide equal access to education
for girls by 2015, To Educate a Girl takes a ground-up and visually stunning view of
that effort through the eyes of girls out of school, starting school or fighting
against the odds to stay in school.
In Nepal, Manisha, a teenager who works in the fields while her three younger
sisters go to school, is contrasted by three young listeners of a hugely popular
youth-oriented radio program. We learn how the program has helped them deal
with issues of early marriage and poverty in order to stay in school.
In Uganda, we meet Mercy, the six-year-old daughter of an impoverished single
mother who is about to embark on her first day of school, and Sarah, a teenage
war orphan who is haunted by a tragic past but still managing to study.
From volunteers going door to door in southern Nepal to a “back to school” march
that brings an entire community together in northern Uganda, a stirring picture of
grassroots efforts to help girls get a decent education is brought to light. To
Educate a Girl is a compelling look at the lives of young women who are striving to
achieve their dreams in the face of conflict, poverty and gender bias.
Produced, Written and Directed by FREDERICK RENDINA & OREN RUDAVSKY
Edited by ADRIENNE HASPEL Original Music by ANTHONY TIDD
Featured Vocals Performed by SOMI
Running Time: 70 minutes Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Optional Introduction and End Comments by
Her Majesty QUEEN RANIA AL ABDULLAH of Jordan,
Global Chair, United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative
Saturday, 18 June 2011
AT a meeting between the UN Security Council and the African Union High Level Ad hoc Committee on Libya on June 15, Dr Ruhakana Rugunda, Uganda’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations gave the African Union’s stand on NATO’s invasion of Libya. Below is the full statement
Mr. President,
1 . Thank you for organising this interactive dialogue. It is good that the United Nations Security Council has met the African Union (AU) Mediation Committee (High-Level Ad hoc Committee on Libya) so that we can exchange views on the situation in Libya in a candid manner. This should have happened much earlier because Libya is a founding member of the AU.
An attack on Libya or any other member of the African Union without express agreement by the AU is a dangerous provocation that should be avoided given the relaxed international situation in the last 20 years since the release of Nelson Mandela from jail and the eventual freedom of South Africa.
2. The UN is on safer ground if it confines itself on maintaining international peace and deterring war among member states.
3 . Intervening in internal affairs of States should be avoided except where there is proof of genocide or imminent genocide as happened in Rwanda or against the Jews in Germany and the European countries that were occupied by the Third Reich.
4. There are differences on the issue of Libya as to whether there was proof of genocide or intended genocide. Fighting between Government troops and armed insurrectionists is not genocide. It is civil war.
It is the attack on unarmed civilians with the aim of exterminating a particular group that is genocide – to exterminate the genes of targeted groups such as the Jews, Tutsis, etc. It is wrong to characterise every violence as genocide or imminent genocide so as to use it as a pretext for the undermining of the sovereignty of States.
Certainly, sovereignty has been a tool of emancipation of the peoples of Africa who are beginning to chart transformational paths for most of the African countries after centuries of predation by the slave trade, colonialism and neo-colonialism.
Careless assaults on the sovereignty of African Countries are, therefore, tantamount to inflicting fresh wounds on the destiny of the African peoples. If foreign invasions, meddlings, interventions, etc, were a source of prosperity, then, Africa should be the richest continent in the world because we have had all versions of all that: slave trade, colonialism and neo-colonialism. Yet, Africa has been the most wretched on account of that foreign meddling.
5 . Whatever the genesis of the intervention by NATO in Libya, the AU called for dialogue before the UN resolutions 1970 and 1973 and after those Resolutions.
Ignoring the AU for three months and going on with the bombings of the sacred land of Africa has been high-handed, arrogant and provocative. This is something that should not be sustained.
To a discerning mind, such a course is dangerous. It is unwise for certain players to be intoxicated with technological superiority and begin to think they alone can alter the course of human history towards freedom for the whole of mankind. Certainly, no constellation of states should think that they can recreate hegemony over Africa.
6. The safer way is to use the ability to talk, to resolve all problems.
7 . The UN or anybody acting on behalf of the UN must be neutral in relation to the internal affairs of states. Certainly, that should be the case with respect to African countries. The UN should not take sides in a civil war. The UN should promote dialogue, peaceful resolution of conflicts, and help in enforcing agreements arrived at after negotiations such as the agreement on the Sudan.
8. Regardless of the genesis of the Libyan problem, the correct way forward now is dialogue without pre-conditions. The demand by some countries that Col. Muammar Gadaffi must go first before the dialogue is incorrect. Whether Gadaffi goes or stays is a matter for the Libyan people to decide. It is particularly wrong when the demand for Gadaffi’s departure is made by outsiders.
9 . In order for dialogue, without pre-conditions, to take place, we need a ceasefire in place that should be monitored by the AU troops among others. This will help the AU to confirm the veracity of the stories of Gadaffi killing civilians intentionally.
10 . That dialogue should agree on the way forward in the direction of introducing competitive politics. Gadaffi thinks he has the most democratic system in the world of people’s authority, elected local committees. Since so much chaos in Libya has emerged on the issue, Gadaffi should see the wisdom of accepting competitive democracy.
Gadaffi cannot ignore the fact that the rebels took over Benghazi and his authority melted away before NATO came in to confuse the picture. The pre-NATO uprising in Benghazi was, mainly, internal. Gadaffi may say that they were organised by Al Qaeda. Even if that is so, it is a fact that some Libyans in Benghazi threw out Gadaffi’s authority. Therefore, Gadaffi must think of and agree to reforms, resulting into competitive politics.
11 . A transitional mechanism could, then, be worked out and competitive elections would take place after an agreed timetable.
12 . What about security for the opposition members? We have plenty of experience on such issues. What did we do in Burundi? We provided a protection force (a brigade) for the Hutu leaders who were living outside Burundi or were in the bush. One of them is now the President of Burundi after winning democratic elections.
13. How about those who are alleged to have committed war crimes – including Gadaffi and the rebels? Again, our decision in Burundi is useful here. We used the concept of “immunité provisoire” (provisional immunity), for all the stakeholders so that they could participate in the dialogue. After peace is realised, then a Truth and Reconciliation body could be set up to look into these matters. After democratic elections, trials of guilty parties can take place.
14. Long-term safety of everybody can be ensured by security sector reform and especially reform of the army, so that it takes orders from any elected President.
15 . The intervention in Libya was premised on the basis of protecting civilians and preventing further civilian deaths. However, the humanitarian situation in Libya remains serious and continues to get worse with continued hostilities.
Looking at how resolutions 1970 and 1973 are being implemented, the international community and the United Nations in particular, are being severely put to the test, as what is happening in Libya will undermine future efforts of the UN in the protection of civilians. There is, therefore, no need for any war-like activities in Libya because there is a peaceful way forward.
There has been no need for these war activities, ever since Gadaffi accepted dialogue when the AU mediation Committee visited Tripoli on April 10, 2011. Any war activities after that have been provocation for Africa. It is an unnecessary war. It must stop.
16. The story that the rebels cannot engage in dialogue unless Gadaffi goes away does not convince us. If they do not want dialogue, then, let them fight their war with Gadaffi without NATO bombing. Then, eventually, a modus vivendus will emerge between the two parties or one of them will be defeated. The attitude of the rebels shows us the danger of external involvement in internal affairs of African countries.
The externally sponsored groups neglect dialogue and building internal consensus and, instead, concentrate on winning external patrons. This cannot be in the interest of that country. Mobutu’s Congo as well as performance of all the other neo-colonies of Africa in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and their eventual collapse in the 1990s prove that foreign sponsored groups are of no value to Africa.
17 . It is essential that the UN Security Council works with the African Union to ensure that a ceasefire is immediately established with an effective and verifiable monitoring mechanism and dialogue embarked upon, leading to a political process including transitional arrangements and the necessary reforms. The crisis in Libya requires a political solution and not a military one; and the AU Road Map is the most viable option.
Finally, what is needed on the issue of Libya is a genuine partnership between the United Nations Security Council and the African Union. By working together we can find a lasting solution to the crisis in Libya.
I thank you.
Friday, 17 June 2011

Regarding Indian Government Protest Over Diplomatic Immunity
Taken Question
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
Question Taken at the June 14, 2011 Daily Press Briefing
June 16, 2011
Question: [Regarding the February 8, 2011 detention of Ms. Krittika Biswas, daughter of Vice Consul, Indian Consulate General in New York], did State Department receive any official protest from the Indian Government?
Answer: Yes. The Indian Consulate General in New York sent a diplomatic note on February 9 asserting that Ms. Biswas’s arrest was a violation of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.
The Indian Embassy also “lodge[d] a strong protest” of the arrest and detention of Ms. Biswas in a diplomatic note on April 13, when it advised the Department that the charges against Ms. Biswas had been withdrawn and her suspension from school had been withdrawn and expunged.
We have the utmost respect for India’s diplomatic and consular personnel and the tremendous work that they are doing in support of U.S.-Indian relations.
We value our partnership with India and attach great importance to the presence of Indian diplomatic and consular representatives in the United States, and we sympathize with Ms. Biswas and her family.
The family member of a consular officer, such as Ms. Biswas, does not enjoy immunity from arrest or from criminal or civil jurisdiction under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.
17 June 2011
BAE Systems today announces the formation of an advisory board on Tanzania. The Board will be chaired by Lord Cairns. Philippa Foster Back, OBE will serve as Deputy Chair. Additional independent members will be appointed to the Board in due course with the agreement of the Chair and Deputy Chair. The Company will be represented on the Board by four senior executives; Philip Bramwell (Group General Counsel), Linda Hudson (President & CEO of BAE Systems, Inc), Charlotte Lambkin (Group Communications Director) and Lawrence Prior (Executive Vice President of Service Sectors for BAE Systems, Inc) who will act as the Executive Liaison members.
BAE Systems has made sustained efforts to become recognised as a leader in responsible business conduct. The formation of this Board forms part of this process and is in line with the settlement agreement with the Serious Fraud Office (SFO), approved by the Court in December 2010. As part of the settlement BAE Systems agreed to pay the sum of £29.5 million for the benefit of the people of Tanzania. The Company is now holding the sum as a fund in a treasury account and will confirm with the SFO the payments made from this account are consistent with the settlement agreement.
The independent members of the Advisory Board will guide the Company as to the optimum means of applying the £29.5 million for the benefit of the people of Tanzania in accordance with all applicable company polices. In addition to disbursements from the fund, the Company is willing to explore opportunities to enhance its overall contribution by utilising its advanced technological capabilities to maximise the effectiveness of projects supported by the fund.
Lord Cairns said: “I welcome the opportunity to Chair this Advisory Board. It provides us with a great opportunity to deploy this substantial fund in a way that will provide sustained benefit as Tanzania advances down the path to full development. I look forward to working with my fellow Board members, the company and others with relevant knowledge to deliver this important piece of work.”
Notes to editors
Advisory Board on Tanzania – biographies of Independent Members
Lord Cairns
An investment banker by profession, Lord Cairns has had a long and distinguished career in both the business and the voluntary sectors. He served as both CEO and Deputy Chairman of S G Warburg plc, Chairman of BAT Industries plc and Chairman of Allied Zurich.
He has also served as Chairman of the Charities Aid Foundation, Chairman of Voluntary Service Overseas, Chairman of the Overseas Development Institute and Chairman of the Commonwealth Business Council. He was a trustee of the Princess of Wales Memorial Fund.
Lord Cairns has extensive experience of Africa through many of the above. He was also for 10 years Chair of the Commonwealth Development Corporation which made substantial investments both in Tanzania and across other African countries. He was Chairman of the African mobile communications company Celtel International (which became Zain Africa BV). He is currently a board member of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation.
Philippa Foster Back, OBE
Philippa has 30 years of business experience, having begun her career at Citibank. Following nine years at Bowater, leaving as group treasurer, she became group finance director at DG Gardner Group, a training organisation. She joined Thorn EMI in 1993 as group treasurer until 2000. She was appointed Director of the Institute of Business Ethics (IBE) in 2001.
In connection with her IBE role she served on the Woolf Committee 2007/8 looking at ethical business practice in BAE Systems plc; and has been appointed to the Advisory Board of the Centre for Corporate Reputation at the Said Business School at Oxford University and consequently as a Visiting Fellow of the University.
She sits on the Boards of the Institute of Directors and of the Norfolk and Norwich University Foundation Trust Hospital, where she chairs the Audit Committee. She is also Chairman of the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust.
Philippa was awarded an OBE in the New Year Honours 2006 for services to the Ministry of Defence where she was a NED and chaired the Defence Audit Committee from 2002-2007. In July 2008 she was awarded the Marks & Spencer Sieff Award.
For more information, please contact:
Lindsay Walls, BAE Systems
Tel: +44 (0)1252 383074 Mob: +44 (0)7793427582
Leonie Foster, BAE Systems
Tel: +44 (0)1252 383777 Mob: +44 (0)7540 630168
Issued by:
BAE Systems, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6YU, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1252 384719 Fax: +44 (0) 1252 383947
Madam Secretary of State,
Let me begin by once again, saying how happy we are to welcome you to Tanzania. We are gratified and feel deeply honoured that you included Tanzania in your itinerary in Africa. Your visit speaks volumes about the state of our bilateral relations. In many ways the exchange of visits by officials of our two countries has contributed immensely to the development and consolidation of our relations. Tanzania and I have fond memories of the visit to Tanzania by former President George W. Bush and my three visits to the White House: two during President Bush’s time and one during President Barrack Obama’s administration. Tanzanians are now anxiously awaiting visit by President Obama. If he chooses to visit us, I promise that it will be the visit of a lifetime.
Tanzania Benefits:
Our countries have benefitted from our bilateral cooperation. Tanzania has received a lot of invaluable support from the US which has complemented our development efforts and continues to make a difference in improving the lives of Tanzanians. The list is long but let me mention few things.
In the health sector, through the support of the US Government thousands of Tanzanians, including women and children who would have died of diseases such as malaria, HIV/AIDS and TB are alive today. Thanks to the President’s Malaria Initiative, PEPFAR and other programmes. Through US support, deaths from malaria have been reduced by half from 120,000 deaths per annum to between 60,000 and 80,000 and malaria has almost been eliminated in Zanzibar. In the past, 40 per cent of outpatients in our hospitals used to be those suffering from malaria, today its only 20 percent. The gains made in reduction of under-five mortality rate mortality is very much a function of malaria and HIV/AIDS.
With the support of the US government through PEPFAR over 13 million Tanzanians have been counseled and voluntarily tested for HIV. Infection rate has declined from 18 per cent in the mid 1990s to 5.4 per cent to date. Those infected can now get the requisite care and treatment. Pregnant mothers who are HIV positive can now deliver children who are HIV free.
In education, let me thank President Barak Obama and you, Madame Secretary of State for delivering on two of my request I made when we met in Washington in May, 2009. I am pleased that we are getting science and mathematics teachers among the Peace Corps coming to Tanzania.
I am also grateful for the support in printing of science and mathematics text books for our secondary schools. We have already received 800,000 textbooks which have been distributed and 923 schools have benefited. Another 1,425,000 books are on the way. The availability of these textbooks plus support for teacher training will significantly reduce the shortage of books and go a long way towards improving the quality of education in Tanzania.
Millennium Challenge Account:
Through the Millennium Challenge Account a number of important roads are being built, water and electricity supply is being improved in Tanzania. When completed, these projects will benefit close to 8 million Tanzanians.
Counter Terrorism, Counter Narcotics and Piracy
Our two countries have been working together closely in the fight against terrorism, narcotics and piracy. We thank the US government for assisting our security organs in building capacity in this fight. There are tangible results. Tanzania has become a difficult place for perpetrators of these crimes to operate. We have apprehended a number of them and brought them to justice. I am pleased that you have agreed to continue cooperating in this area.
Money Well Spent:
Let me assure you Madam Secretary, United States tax payers money is well spent and is bearing the desired results of improving the living conditions of the people of Tanzania.
Future Cooperation:
We thank the US government for including Tanzania in two recent development initiatives of the Obama Administration: the US Partnership for Growth and Feed the Future Programme. This will enhance Tanzania’s capacity for comprehensive growth and ensure food security and nutrition for our people as well as the neighboring countries that depend on Tanzania as their source of food.
Cooperation on Regional and International issues
Tanzania and the US see eye to eye on a number of regional and international issues. We appreciate US leadership on global issues and promise to continue to work together for peace and development in Africa and the world. Once again let me welcome you and the members of your delegation to Dar-es-Salaam!
Now, I am passing the floor to you with pleasure.Email This
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