Ubuntu-it's a word describing an African worldview, which translates as "I am because you are," and which means that individuals need other people to be fulfilled. And that is what this blog is all about.My contact details are: Ayoub Mzee- Tel +447960811614, email: swahilidiaries@yahoo.co.uk. Alternatively you can watch my program- swahili diaries on BEN TV SKY 184 or www.bentelevision.com every week Tuesdays at 10pm and Sundays at 10AM. Enjoy News stories in Photographs

Saturday, 24 November 2007
Issued by the Royal Commonwealth Society
A coalition of Commonwealth organisations, headed by the Royal Commonwealth Society, are pressing Commonwealth leaders now gathering in Uganda to tackle the Zimbabwe crisis.
Campaigners are holding a special meeting on Zimbabwe in Kampala, in the wings of the Commonwealth summit. “Zimbabwe in crisis: time for Commonwealth action” takes place on Wednesday 21 November, 12.30pm at the Grand Imperial Hotel, Kampala.
The meeting, which brings together top opinion formers from Zimbabwe, Uganda, India, the UK and the Caribbean, will be held immediately before the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), taking place in Kampala, Uganda, from 23-25 November 2007.
The speakers are Morgan Tsvangirai, President of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), Zimbabwe; Maja Daruwala of India, Director, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative; Kumi Naidoo of South Africa,,Secretary-General and CEO of CIVICUS; Nokuthula Moyo, Zimbabwean Lawyers for Human Rights; Patsy Robertson, a Jamaican, Chairperson, Commonwealth Association; and Stuart Mole, from the UK, Director-General, Royal Commonwealth Society. It will be chaired by the Rt Rev Dr Edward Muhima, Bishop of North Kigezi, Uganda.
The meeting forms part of the Commonwealth Action for Zimbabwe campaign. The Campaign has issued the Commonwealth People’s Charter for Zimbabwe, available at: www.commonwealth-action-for-zimbabwe.org.
Following the decision of the Government of Zimbabwe to withdraw from Commonwealth membership in 2003, the developing crisis in Zimbabwe has been “off the Commonwealth agenda”. However, many Commonwealth civil society organisations feel that the Commonwealth must remain engaged with Zimbabwe, now more than ever. They argue it is imperative to send a message to the people of Zimbabwe that they are not forgotten, to provide assistance by strengthening local civil society bodies in Zimbabwe, and to bring Zimbabwe back into the Commonwealth fold.
There are initial signs that pressure and lobbying from civil society is bearing fruit, so it is hoped that this meeting will be a catalyst for a change in policy from the “official” Commonwealth.
The event is on record and is open to the media. A press briefing will follow immediately after the event. Interviews with the speakers can be arranged before and after the meeting.
The event is free to attend and open to all. We welcome attendance by local Ugandans, by those attending CHOGM, local and international civil society and the media.
Media enquiries from the UK must be directed to:
Thursday, 22 November 2007
28th October 2007
Africa Alive! fundraising ‘100% African Evening’ will be coming soon to London…
Tukolene Youth Development Centre and KIOTA (registered UK charity no. 1101316) will be holding a fundraising Fashion show with a unique African twist in the heart of multicultural London at Hammersmith Town Hall on 30th November 2007.
‘Africa Alive!’ is a chance to celebrate 21st Century Africa in all its forms. Feel the rhythm of African drumming. Taste a sumptuous East African meal. Experience the pure joy of African dance. See stunning African fashion on the catwalk. Listen to distinct live African sounds.
Tukolene Youth Development Centre is a non-governmental organisation providing educational and vocational training for young people in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Katie Martin and Phoebe Bryant fell in love with Tukolene in 2002, whilst teaching English as volunteers with Gap Activity Projects. Five years on, with Katie’s events experience and several more volunteer projects in India, France and Kenya between them, both Katie and Phoebe have decided to put their knowledge and skills to good use by raising funds for Tukolene Youth Development Centre’s expansion project.
Katie Martin, of Friends of Tukolene states: “Phoebe and I are really excited about having the chance to help build TYDC’s future, and support Kiota’s work. The ‘Africa Alive’ evening will hopefully give guests a glimpse of the places that we are so passionate about!”
Phoebe Bryant, who taught alongside Katie at Tukolene Youth Development Centre in 2002, said “this is such a fantastic opportunity to kick-start the next phase of Tukolene’s development – it is in serious need of financial help to achieve its long term goals. Tukolene has a great sense of community and we hope to achieve the same at Africa Alive! by bringing people together in support of their vision.”
Deusdedit Lyimo, founding member of TYDC states, “The whole idea that such a big fundraising event is being organised for the Centre fills me with great joy. I am so impressed that after returning to their homeland from working in Tanzania that they continue helping and making such a positive change. I look forward to being there on the evening”.
Kiota will also benefit from the evening and Africa Alive is being run with the support of the charity’s trustees. Like Friends of Tukolene, Kiota was established by Pippa Brown and Erica Hicks following their GAP year in Africa and supports the work of Tanzanian grassroots NGO KIWOHEDE (Kiota Women’s Health and Development Organisation). KIWOHEDE works across Tanzania to secure positive futures for teenaged girls who are victims of trafficking, or who are involved in, or at risk of becoming involved in, hazardous domestic work and/or commercial sex work. “Kiota” is the Swahili word for nest, representing the safe haven that the centres provide. Kiota and KIWOHEDE work together on specific projects to help give these young people a chance for a better future. For more information, please see www.kiota.org.
The Africa Alive! event will showcase a vibrant mix of African fabrics and styles on the catwalk hosted by rising star, Mirembe Campbell!. Exceline Catering, renowned throughout London’s African community and beyond, will be providing an authentic 3 course East African meal to tempt your tastebuds! Other highlights will include The Kitoto Band (featuring Freddy Macha), mixing traditional ngoma beats with Tanzanian sounds and words, Francis Angol, a contemporary African Dancer, and a fantastic acrobatic and drum troupe. There will also be an opportunity to bid for exciting gifts –including a fantastic holiday in the Isles of Scilly or the Scottish Highlands, or a unique African painting in the Charity Auction.
The event will be held in Hammersmith Town Hall, London at 7.30pm on 30th November 2007. Tickets are available by request email to africaalive@hotmail.co.uk or by contacting Katie on 07851 082051 at £50 a head.
- ENDS -
For further information please contact:
Katie Martin or Phoebe Bryant
T: 07851 082051 (Katie) 07866 623066 (Phoebe) E: africaalive@hotmail.co.uk
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
world Aids Day

Wed, 21 Nov
7.30 am
Opening Ceremony of
Commonwealth Foreign Ministers Meeting
Serena Conference Centre,
Please submit this to the Commonwealth Communications Team Office
by 12 pm the day before the event to: j.kng@commonwealth.int
Successful applicants will be informed by 5.30 pm daily
That’s the call of the Commonwealth Trade Union Group (CTUG) to leaders on the eve of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) that opens in Kampala , Uganda next week. This message is accompanied with insistence that governments invest in people, support access to justice, labour protection, education, culture, health care and clean water for citizens of the Commonwealth.
The CTUG - an organisation of some 30 million workers from 51 Commonwealth countries – will, with the International trade Union Confederation (ITUC), lead a workshop on Realising Potential through Respect for Worker's Rights at the Commonwealth People’s Forum (CPF) at the Hotel Africana, Kampala on Tuesday, 20 November. The CTUC represents 168 million workers in 153 countries and territories and has 305 national affiliates.
The workshop will focus on specific proposals for actions by governments which will feed into the communiqué from civil society at the CPF. Based on the theme, Realising People's Potential, the CPF is a dynamic space for interaction, expression and debate for the people of the Commonwealth that sets the stage for the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting which begins on November 24, and from which will be drawn the People’s Communiqué. The communiqué will be presented to governments for consideration at the CHOGM from November 24.
CTUG has been critical of the gap between the CHOGM declarations and some Governments’ record of democracy and human rights.
While welcoming the steps taken towards achieving economic development and institutionalising democratic systems throughout the Commonwealth, the group remains dissatisfied by efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The CTUC wants CHOGM to decide upon effective measures to promote reform and change in Commonwealth member countries that violate human rights and undermine democracy. It also wants Commonwealth leaders to promote an international framework that will provide a structured approach to migration. The framework includes measures to guarantee equal rights for migrant workers, encourage full integration, prevent exploitation by employers and protect them from discrimination.
Two day workshops on Monday and Tuesday include:
- Enhancing Citizen Participation in Good Governance among Commonwealth Countries, DENIVA , MS Uganda , Network of Ugandan Researchers & Research Users, and Uganda Advocacy Consortium & Individual land;
- Civil Society Leaders Effecting Transformation British Council, Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations, Interaction Leadership Association Uganda, Pan African Organisation for Sustainable Development & The Impact Alliance- Commonwealth Human Rights Forum: Living up to Commonwealth Commitments by the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, Commonwealth Policy Studies Unit & the Association of Commonwealth Amnesty International Sections;
- Culture in Development: a must for Sustainable and Equitable TransformationCross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda & Commonwealth Foundation;Financing for Development ,Civil Society Advisory Committee, Caritas Uganda, Mozambique Debt Group & North-South Institute;
Education for Transformation: Joined up Policies to Develop Commonwealth Education by the Commonwealth Consortium for Education & City of Manukau Education Trust;
HIV Prevention Education as a Tool for Social Transformation by Commonwealth Foundation and Community Health and Information Network - in partnership with The Royal African Society and Commonwealth Secretariat
Other workshops on Monday will be:
Knowledge and Innovation for Economic Transformation by theUganda National Council of Science & Technology, Imperial College, London, Studies Forum International & the Association of Commonwealth Universities;
Realising People's Potential through Urban Development by Built Environment Professions in the Commonwealth;
Trade Models for Sustainable Livelihoods by the Ethical Fashion Forum
Tuesday’s workshops are:
- Realising Women's Potential in Transforming Commonwealth Societies through Financing Gender Equality Work by the Commonwealth Women's Network;
- Communications for Climate Security
- The Role of Media in Development in Commonwealth CountriesTelevision Trust for the Environment & Royal Commonwealth Societyinvolving Futerra Sustainability Communications & ACODE Uganda;
- - Energy, Water and Sustainable Livelihoods by the Commonwealth Human Ecology Council and Community Based Impact Assessment Network for Eastern Africa & Prolinnova;
- National Mechanisms for the Protection of Human Rights Violations and Abuse in the Commonwealth Uganda Human Rights Commission, Interights, Uganda Network on Law, Ethics and HIV/AIDS, Action on Disability and Development ,& National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda;
- Realising Potential through Respect for Worker's Rights International Trade Union Confederation and Commonwealth Trade Union Group;
- Transforming Society: Commonwealth Perspectives on the Nexus between Civil Society and Business Makerere University Business School;
- Achieving the Goals in Education: Access for Disadvantaged GroupsForum for Education NGOs in Uganda & Commonwealth Secretariat
- Realising Potential through Common Health and Wellbeing by BUILD, Infectious Diseases Institute Kampala , African Palliative Care Association & Uganda Joint Christian Council
For media information and interviews of key persons on the CPF contact:

One day conference on Elections and Democracy in
Date - Saturday 8 December Time – 10am – 5pm Venue – Room B111, Brunei Gallery, School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS),Thornhaugh Street,
London WC1.
Directions : Nearest tube –
Russell Square ; Buses – 7, 59, 68, 91, 168, 188
Organised by African Liberation Support Campaign Network (ALISC Network) and the Centre for African Studies of University of
London .
Programme9.30am - Registration
Morning Session: 10am – 11.45am
Nigeria:1.Political Parties and Elections in
Nigeria – Discussion of Book Review2. Chima Ubani – Legacy beyond the memoriam Lunch Session: 12.30pm to 3.00pmElections & Democracy in
1. Jeremy Corbyn, MP (Experience from
Burundi and DRC)
2. Cllr Julius Nkafu, Africans for Labour3.
Richard Tchoutezo,Cameroon Community Welfare and Development Association (CACOWEDA) Afternoon Session: 3.15pm to 5.00pmZimbabwe – Critical and Non-Sectarian Solidarity in Struggle1. Alex Callinicos – Socialist Workers’ Party2. Representative of WOZA Solidarity3. Representative of Free Zim Youth To register contact http://us.f516.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=editorkilombo@gmail.com leave a message on 07984405307 or write to Elections and Democracy in
Africa , P.O. Box 21266 ,
London W9 3YR
Monday, 19 November 2007
Islam in Tanzania
Palestinians pessimistic about prisoners release

- New report shows intra-Commonwealth exports valued at over $225bn a year
-Research suggests room for more growth in trade
-Heads of Government urged to capitalise on the historical culture of co-operation
-Targets improvements in trade infrastructure for developing countries
The Commonwealth is more than just the famous “Friendly Games” – it generates more than $225bn a year in export trade for member states, a new report shows.
The report “Trading on Commonwealth Ties”, to be published on the eve of the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Kampala, Uganda (23rd to 25th November), argues that the Commonwealth offers significant trading opportunities for its members.
The report’s author, Professor Chris Milner, from GEP – the Globalisation and Economic Policy Centre - said: “The Commonwealth represents almost a third of the world’s population and a quarter of the world’s governments, united by a shared inheritance of language and institutions. The volume of trade taking place between Commonwealth nations shows that its value extends far beyond friendships and the Commonwealth Games.”
He added: “This trade is substantial. For a significant number of low-income and island economies, intra-Commonwealth trade is of considerable economic importance – for some countries, like Botswana, Namibia, Papua New Guinea and Samoa, it represents in excess of 70% of their international trade.”
And he said there was still further scope to increase trade between individual and regional groupings of Commonwealth countries.
Professor Milner said: “Looking at the wider picture, intra-Commonwealth trade represents just 16% of Commonwealth countries' total exports. The opportunity exists to recapture and capitalise on the culture of co-operation within the Commonwealth to build trade between many Commonwealth states that will benefit member state economies.”
The GEP research, commissioned by the Commonwealth Secretariat’s Economic Affairs Division specifically for this month’s meeting of heads of government, identifies some of the opportunities for improving trade between member countries, but argues against setting up a Free Trade Agreement across the whole Commonwealth now.
Professor Milner said: “Enormous amounts of political energy can be expended in negotiating trade agreements which reduce tariff barriers between alliances of countries. For some the idea of trying to build a Free Trade Agreement that covers the whole Commonwealth may hold enormous appeal, but it is fraught with legal, administrative and probably political difficulties.”
He said the research showed that while some individual countries and regional groups of Commonwealth countries would benefit from negotiating favourable tariff deals between themselves, the best way to improve intra-Commonwealth trade was to focus on the problem of infrastructure in the developing country member states.
Professor Milner said: “If you look at the roads and rail networks in many African countries, for instance, you can see where the real barriers to trade lie. Our economic model shows that in a country like the host nation Uganda, a 10% improvement in trade-related infrastructure would raise the volume of exports to other Commonwealth countries by about 62%. These are large effects.”
He said improving roads and investing in things like rail and port facilities for freight in developing countries would encourage exports to non-Commonwealth countries too, and that specific trade infrastructure improvements would also reduce the costs and increase the speed of importing raw materials, which would help Commonwealth countries develop competitive manufacturing industries.
Professor Milner justified the focus on export activity, citing other research by GEP colleagues showing that exporting improves a country’s productivity. He said: “The research shows that individual firms improve their own productivity by exporting, and even in just preparing to export; that in turn encourages rival firms to become more productive to compete, raising standards across the whole country.”
Mr. Ransford Smith, the Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General, who also oversees the trade policy work of the Commonwealth Secretariat’s Economic Affairs Division, said: “This is a timely and significant study that examines trade within the Commonwealth, and provides possible directions for the future. While the Commonwealth comprises some of the major global trading partners from both developed and developing countries, a large number of countries from Africa, Caribbean and Pacific regions have been lagging behind in trade growth and haven’t benefited as might have been expected from the robust trends of recent years.’
The situation – he said – calls for measures to address this challenge. “‘This study provides important information and perceptive analyses as well as practical recommendations for consideration by the Commonwealth —individually and collectively. We will be consulting widely with a view to reaching an agreement on effective follow-up measures that need to be taken.”
Background information:
Professor Chris Milner, the author of the report, is a Professor of International Economics. He is a research fellow at GEP - the Globalisation and Economic Policy Centre – and Head of the School of Economics at the University of Nottingham.
GEP - The Globalisation and Economic Policy Centre - is the major centre in Europe studying the impacts of globalisation and economic policy. One of the biggest of its kind in the world, the centre has an impressive international reputation, with its academics advising the Treasury, the OECD, the World Bank and the WTO. GEP is based at the University of Nottingham, England, and is substantially funded by grants from the Leverhulme Trust. In January 2008 a branch of GEP will open at the University of Nottingham’s Malaysia campus.
The University of Nottingham has strong links with the Commonwealth. It has a campus in Malaysia and around 2,300 of its students in the UK come from other Commonwealth countries. The University is Britain's University of the Year (The Times Higher Awards 2006). Its academics have won two Nobel Prizes since 2003. The University also has a campus in China.
The Commonwealth Economic Affairs Division
The EAD’s work in trade encompasses national and international economic policy issues and focuses on consensus building, advocacy, advisory services and capacity-building. The Division has a track record of both anticipating and responding quickly and effectively to emerging issues that affect Commonwealth developing members, particularly the least developed countries and small states.

The great expansion of Islam in the interior of Tanganyika began during the German colonial era. After having conquered the coastal area the Germans started hiring Swahilis as civil servants thus creating a cadre of literate Swahilis who accompanied the Germans into the interior

Photo: Ayoub mzee
When the Tanganyika African National Union (TANU) was founded in Daressalaam in 1954, coastal Moslems played an important role. Even in spheres where Islam played a minor part Moslems could hold strategic positions in TANU
1. August H Nimtz Jr Islam and Politics in East Africa, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1980, p. 11 . Also see Jan Pvan Bergen, Development and Religion in Tanzania, Madras, 1981 p.23.
2. See P. Gerold Rupper, OSB, Pugu Hadi Peramiho: Miaka 100 Ya Wamisionari Wabenediktini Katika Tanzania, Benedictine Publications, Ndanda - Peramiho, 1980, pp. 31-42.
3. See Yusuf Halimoja, Historia ya Masasi, East African Literature Bureau, Nairobi, 1977, pp. 163-175. For the linkage between Islam and Mali Maji War see Nimtz op. cit., pp. 12-13.
4. See "Kiongozi’ No. 6, June 1950. For more information on missionary penetration in East Africa see M. Langley & T. Kiggins:
A Serving People, Oxford University Press, Nairobi, 1974, p. 19.
5. See Daisy Sykes Buruku "The Townsman: Kleist Sykes’ in Iliffe (ed.). Modern Tanzanians, East African Publishing House 1973, p. 1.06.
6. For a detailed account of the strike see John Iliffe, "History of Dockworkers of Dar es Salaam" in Tanzania Notes and Records (Dar es Salaam) 71: (1970).
• In the Ethiopia’s Somali Regional State, UN agencies have begun to deploy staff in the new UN offices in Kebridahar and Degehabur. These include the World Food Programme, the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the Food and Agricultural Organization. Around a dozen NGOs have also been accredited to work in the zones of Degehabur, Gode, Fik, Warder and Korahe. This follows the agreement between the Government and the UN last month on measures to ensure that aid reached those in need in the region. The UN and the Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Agency (DPPA) have also decided to set up joint support centers in areas of need to facilitate the logistics of delivering food, medicine veterinary services and other support. 190 food distribution points have been agreed. These moves follow a UN exploratory mission to the Somali Regional State in early October which reported on a need for increased aid to the region, to ensure a free flow of commercial and humanitarian food supplies and for greater access for both government and humanitarian service providers. A statement by the DPPA this week said that 11,000 quintals of grain had already been distributed to Fik and Korahe zones last week, and a similar amount was currently being deployed. The Ministry of Defense was providing extra heavy duty trucks to help in the deliveries.
• The Ministry of Foreign Affairs would like to express its deep sorrow by the death of Professor Kinfe Abraham, President of the Ethiopian International Institute for Peace and Development and well known academic and diplomat. Professor Kinfe passed away on November 8, 2007 after suffering a stroke. The Ministry offers its sincere condolences to his family, friends and colleagues for this very great loss.
Saturday, 17 November 2007

Topics include:
'Violence, Migration, and Becoming Igbo in Equiano's Interesting Narrative': Dr Alexander X. Byrd (Rice University, USA) is an Assistant Professor of history. His main area of expertise is Afro-American in the Atlantic world and Jim Crow south.
'From Montserrat to Belfast, Equiano's Irish contacts': Dr Nini Rodgers (University of Belfast) is an honorary senior research fellow in history. Her research interests include: Irish in the Caribbean and gender history in the eighteenth – twentieth centuries.
'Olaudah Equiano: Imprints in America': Dr Helena Woodard (University of Texas, USA) is an Associate Professor of eighteenth century British and African-American literature.
'Equiano: Claiming Public Voice and a New Humanity': Dr Joan Anim-Addo (Goldsmiths College, University of London) is Director of the Caribbean Studies Centre and lectures in the Department of English and Comparative Literature.
'Captives, Captors and Guns': Arthur Torrington is honorary secretary of The Equiano Society.
DATE: Friday 16 November 2007 from 10.30am to 5pm
Read before fowarding!!!
Burnt Baby Alexandra Hoax
Type: Urban Legend
Discovery Date: Dec 20, 2005 12:00:00 AM GMT -0800
This hoax spreads via spammed email messages. The said spammed email comes with a very graphic picture of a badly burned baby. This baby is supposedly a girl named Alexandra who needs the help of the recipient of the email to finance her reconstructive surgeries and rehabilitation.
Baby Alexandra supposedly gets three cents donated to her surgery fund for every recipient the said email is forwarded to.
This is a hoax. Trend Micro advises the recipients of this email hoax to ignore, delete, and not forward it to anyone else.
Original Message:
Dear All,
Alexandra came out of a rigging fire alive, but now has to fight for her life and a normal future. She is 14 months old and she has burnt skin all over her body, damage facial bones (as a result of very high temperature). She does not have half of her face. She is in hospital in Cracow- Poland and one of the best specialist is looking after her. However she still has to go through many surgeries and then long rehab. Unfortunately her parents do not have any more money. Therefore we are asking for your help. For each forwarded email her parents will get 3 cents. Please help them and forward that email to as many people as you can.
Date: Friday 30th November 2007
Venue: Smollensky's
Queen Caroline Street, Hammersmith, London W6 9BW
Time: 6.30pm - 12am
Admission: £15
Network, Party & Enjoy the Music provided by DJ's Kenny & John B of JJZ Productions (from 8pm)
Location: Hammersmith Station -Smollensky's Bar & Grill - entrance is located upstairs close to the Tesco of Hammersmith Station
Strictly guest list admission - To avoid disappointment pre-book & pay via the Tel: Event Hotline 08717 113 055
Advance payments can also be made by a cheque payable to Paceworking and posted to PO Box 52809, London SW11 2YS to be received by 19th November 2007.
Come and network with professionals, entrepreneurs, potential clients and contractors. Also there are opportunities to win great prizes donated by:
Kiskirine Events, Smart Events, Dalgety, Radiant Glow, Link-Boutique, Adebayo Jones Couture, Favour Events, TieGallery & Simply Fab Co
Click on this link for information about Paceworking events http://www.paceworking.co.uk/
Thank you for your interest in Paceworking promotions, launches, business and networking events.
If you have received this email in error and wish to be removed from this mailing kindly let us know by return email.
Seye Aina
Friday, 16 November 2007
Zongo is a female R&B and Soul artist singing in Swahili, Lingala and French. She rose to fame in 2001 with some powerful and soulful songs namely 'Walimwengu', 'Najuta', 'Kama Wanipenda', 'Dunia ni Ndogo', 'Safari' featuring Only Face. This multi-talented singer, who is no stranger to playing the guitar, keyboard and drums was a well known member of the Dance group, TOT Plus Band as well as the Hiphop group, East Coast Team at different times of her career. Read more by visiting www.swahiliremix.com
A REAL LIGER! Half lion, half tiger! watch!
This year, according to the organisers, the World Travel Market HELD AT ExCel, London between November 12 and 15 recorded the largest ever presence of exhibitions from all over the world.

Welcome to the Commonwealth People’s Forum (CPF) here in Uganda from November 18 to 24, 2007 at the Hotel Africana in Kampala.
Based on the theme, Realising People's Potential, the CPF is a dynamic space for interaction, expression and debate for the people of the Commonwealth that sets the stage for the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting which begins on November 24, and from which will be drawn the People’s Communique to be presented for consideration on the Heads of Government Agenda.
Please let us know if you or your representative would be covering the Opening Ceremony of the CPF which will be addressed by the President of Uganda and the Commonwealth Secretary General from 6 pm Sunday November 18, 2007 so we can make invitations available to you.
Other agenda items to note are:
Ø Launch of Friends of the Commonwealth -6 pm, Monday November 19, Hotel Africana
Ø .Media Conference with Terry Waite, former Archbishop of Canterbury who was held hostage in Lebanon between 1987 and 1991– 11.am Thursday November 22, Africana Hotel, Kampala.
Ø CPF Closing Media Briefing - 12.30 pm Saturday November 24, 2007, Hotel Africana.
Spaces to watch will be:
a. Workshops on controversial and topical issues facing the Commonwealth with lead experts from around the world– Monday November 19 and Tuesday November 20;
b. Learning Journeys, Wednesday November 21: Sign up required!
c. Commonwealth People’s Space – an open arena for interaction, debate and artistic and creative expression so it will be full of surprises! Will include activities such as readings by winners of Commonwealth Writers Prizes, launch of the Culture Toolkit, and The Gender Game – preparing women to occupy spaces of power
d. Book launches, film launches.

ENTEBBE, Uganda:
Dr. Mark Collins, Director of the Commonwealth Foundation also called on small and vulnerable states to join together and demand reduction in emissions by the larger industrialised nations.
If unabated, poor countries where there’s a high susceptibility to disaster and high prevalence to poverty, will pay for a problem that they have had no part in causing.
“Rich nations should provide serious finances for adaptation,” Collins said.
“Adaptation in practice will mean scientific and technological innovation. We need to plan for forest conservation and reforestation; diversification of agriculture; research in fisheries and water management; and much more application of low carbon technologies for energy production.”
Dr. Collins was addressing delegates gathered in Kampala for the Commonwealth Youth Forum on the theme Climate Change: a Priority Issue for the Commonwealth.
The Commonwealth Youth Forum is one of a series of meetings that precede and feed into the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting due in Kampala next week.
“As young people, you have an important part to play in communicating climate change issues and advocating for a different world,” said Collins.
The Commonwealth Foundation has taken a lead role in advocating climate change measures in the Commonwealth. Last year it convened climate change meetings in Uganda and Seychelles, and the same subject is on the agenda for the Commonwealth People’s Forum which opens on November 18.
Dr. Collins called on governments to exercise their political will if results are to be achieved: “Many politicians seem to feel that we need not worry because the problems will be resolved through technological and engineering innovations. What has now caught government attention, however, is the likely economic impact of climate change.
Climate change experts have warned of effects to the sustainability of human life if no mitigation measures are put in place.
According to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, climate change is being caused principally by man-made carbon dioxide pollution resulting from transport and industrial emissions.
The UN Panel has already made a call for greater international co-operation and collective action in finding solutions to the problem.
According to the Hadley Centre, a world centre of expertise on climate change, human activities are causing increases in greenhouse gas emissions to well above pre-industrial levels and this has had adverse impacts on the environment.
Melting glaciers, hurricanes and recent flooding in many parts of the world have been attributed to climate change, making it a global phenomenon.
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
My Vote Counts
KibakiTena, Kazi Iendelee, Njau-USA
Channel: YouTube
Tags: kibaki, iendelee, kazi, odm, PNU, Kenya PNU DINNER CHAIRMAN SPEECH 1
Channel: YouTube
VIEW VIDEO:French students mobilize against Sarkozy's reforms
Come along and join an international celebration of the life of Equiano. Speakers include: Helena Woodard (USA), Nini Rodgers (Belfast), Alexander X. Byrd (USA), Clarice Barnes (Montserrat) , Clive Harris (Birmingham) , and Arthur Torrington (The Equiano Society, London)
Topics include:
'Violence, Migration, and Becoming Igbo in Equiano's Interesting Narrative': Dr Alexander X. Byrd (Rice University, USA) is an Assistant Professor of history. His main area of expertise is Afro-American in the Atlantic world and Jim Crow south.
'From Montserrat to Belfast, Equiano's Irish contacts': Dr Nini Rodgers (University of Belfast) is an honorary senior research fellow in history. Her research interests include: Irish in the Caribbean and gender history in the eighteenth – twentieth centuries.
'Olaudah Equiano: Imprints in America': Dr Helena Woodard (University of Texas, USA) is an Associate Professor of eighteenth century British and African-American literature.
'Equiano: Claiming Public Voice and a New Humanity': Dr Joan Anim-Addo (Goldsmiths College, University of London) is Director of the Caribbean Studies Centre and lectures in the Department of English and Comparative Literature.
'Captives, Captors and Guns': Arthur Torrington is honorary secretary of The Equiano Society.
DATE: Friday 16 November 2007 from 10.30am to 5pm
VENUE: Museum in Docklands, Hertsmere Road, London, E14 Come to the PACEWORKING End of Year Networking Party:
Date: Friday 30th November 2007
Venue: Smollensky's
Queen Caroline Street, Hammersmith, London W6 9BW
Time: 6.30pm - 12am
Admission: £15
Network, Party & Enjoy the Music provided by DJ's Kenny & John B of JJZ Productions (from 8pm)
Location: Hammersmith Station -Smollensky's Bar & Grill - entrance is located upstairs close to the Tesco of Hammersmith Station
Strictly guest list admission - To avoid disappointment pre-book & pay via the Tel: Event Hotline 08717 113 055
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
A life time achievement

The Palace car Park
The Namibia and Swaziland High commissioners were there

Photo: Ayoub mzee
THEN:Pakistan's democratic credentials may still be subject to close scrutiny by the Commonwealth, but the decision by its ministerial group to finally lift the suspension did send a wave of excitement across Islamabad.
The 53-member body made the threat at a meeting in London, saying Musharraf must act by November 22 to avoid suspension.
"If after a review of progress Pakistan has failed to implement these necessary measures, it (the Commonwealth) will suspend Pakistan from the councils of the Commonwealth," the body's secretary-general, Don McKinnon, told reporters
Although the suspension was revoked in 2004, Pakistan has remained on CMAG’s “watch list” amid repeated warnings to Gen. Musharraf that he must adhere to his promise on giving up the uniform.