Sunday, 30 September 2012



Usiku huu Diamond kupitia website yake ameweka picha za mama yake ambaye ni mgonjwa aliyempeleka Marie Stopes baada ya kuzidiwa.

 Katika picha hizo Diamond akiwa na mtu aitwaye Dallas anaonekana mtu mwenye majonzi na wakati mwingine akilia kuashiria kuwa kweli mama yake amezidiwa.

Katika picha hizo pia mama yake anaonekana akitapika. Awali Diamond alikuwa ameweka maelezo kusimulia mkasa mzima lakini baadaye ameyatoa na kubakiza picha pekee yake. 

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Iain McNicol's speech to Labour Party Annual Conference 2012


Iain McNicol, General Secretary of the Labour Party, said today at Labour Party Annual Conference 2012:

Conference, this has been year of real success.

A year of real change.

In May we saw over 800 new Labour councillors elected.

Labour now running Southampton, Great Yarmouth and Harlow.

We’ve seen strong leads in the polls.

We have improved in our party finances, allowing us to invest for the future.

And we have made bold changes to refresh and strengthen our senior team.

We are now one party, one team to deliver a one term opposition.

I want to start by paying a special tribute to our outgoing chair of the NEC, Michael Cashman - his personal support and commitment to change has been unwavering.

But this is about you: your effort, your energies and your enthusiasm for new ways of campaigning have delivered for Labour.

You are the people who've protected libraries.

You are the people who've clamped down on anti-social behaviour.

You are the people who've helped debt-ridden families avoid the risks of legal loan sharks.

And that is why I am confident the change our party and country needs will become a reality.

But Conference, with two-and-a-half years before a general election now is no time to be complacent.

Because we have a huge challenge.

Politics is fractured and needs mending.

Earlier we stood in silence to remember those of our friends who have passed away this year including the fantastic Philip Gould.

I remember him once saying politics was like a vital football match being played out between the reds and the blues. But as the players fight for every ball, strain for every goal, the crowd is drifting away.

The game goes on, but the stadium is emptying.

Soon there’ll be nobody left.

But politics is too important to leave to wither.

Too vital to let media cynicism win. To allow demagogues and charlatans take the stage.

Too many have fought, and too many have died for us to let democratic politics fade.

We’ve all heard it on the doorstep - you've heard it, I’ve heard it - far too often: the charge that all parties are the same.

It breaks my heart, when I know how different we are.

And the cynicism that declares that politics can’t make any difference to people’s lives.

This makes me angry, when I see the change that politics can make.

Our legacy is the Sure Start centres, the new schools, the thousands more doctors and nurses – that's the difference our politics has made.

Ed Miliband has set out an ambitious programme to rebuild our economy and recast our society; to tame markets where they do damage and build modern communities.

The political crisis we face is as big as the financial crisis, and just as urgent and pressing. It requires action every bit as bold.

My argument is simple: if we want a strong society and a fair economy, we first need a vibrant politics.

What I see is a party ready for change.

Every single one of us needs to be able to answer this question: what are you going to do to persuade people to support us in 2015?

Before, it was all about leaflets, door-knocking, making sure posters were up all across town.

I do ask for this. But I ask for more, much more.

Because this great Party of ours needs to change more profoundly than we have for a generation.

Some will say: it’s too difficult.

Some will say: it won’t work.

I say: without this change we won’t win on the scale we need.

Let’s be clear. I don’t want to sneak a win on points. I want to deliver that knock-out punch. I want this Coalition out – and I mean all of them.

I want to see Cameron, Clegg and Cable carried out of the ring.

In the election campaigns we are fighting to win in November - for new MPs, for new Police Commissioners, and for a new Mayor in Bristol - we need to be that change. Build relationships and earn trust. And if we do we will help rebuild a fractured politics.

Just ask Jess Phillips - a young mum who got her neighbours together to build the community spirit to tackle the anti-social behaviour that was blighting her street.

Now a Labour councillor, elected in 2012, able to bring more change and more support to the community she loves and cares about.

To deliver it we will have 200 community organisers across the UK.

They reach out to people ignored for years.

They don’t just ask for their vote.

They ask for their views.

They construct real campaigns to solve real problems.

And the results can be spectacular – they get people campaigning who’ve never done it before.

This is also why we need parliamentary candidates in place as soon as possible. A candidate provides leadership, focus and drive for the campaign.

The longer we give them, the greater the chance of success.

That’s why we will have 100 candidates selected in the coming months.

With Harriet Harman and Jon Trickett, we are looking at practical ways to make our candidates more representative of the communities they serve. More women candidates. More black and minority ethnic candidates. And yes, more working class candidates.

This is the Refounding Labour project, turning us into a movement, not merely a parliamentary party.

It means standing with public sector workers when they organise to defend our libraries, Sure Starts and police stations.

It means paying a living wage.

And Conference, let’s start at home. I am proud to announce that on my watch, the Labour Party has become an accredited living wage employer. Everyone who works for the Labour Party is paid a living wage.

And I urge every Labour councillor to make their council a living wage employer too.

Look too at the fantastic work Caroline Flint is doing on energy switching. It means the Labour Party will be able to offer people cheaper energy – not after an election, but now.

It means standing up to the powerful, like Tom Watson has done over News International.

It means seeking justice like Andy Burnham has on Hillsborough.

We may be out of office in Westminster but again and again we are able to show we can make change happen.

This is a different politics.

Imagine what it will be like when people say: this is what they helped us with when they weren’t in government, imagine what they can do when they are.

When I’ve visited party members in every nation and region of the UK, spoken to the Fabian Society, Young Labour, Labour Students, Progress, the Co-operative Party and of course our trade unions, they tell me they understand the case for change.

And they are getting on with it. We are going to change politics.

Not just because of our values and traditions.

But because it works.

When people ask, why should we believe you, vote for you, stand with you?

We say: judge us by our deeds, not just our words.

Judge us by the times you see us outside of elections.

Judge us by the way we look for answers and lead the way.

Judge us by the difference we make, before we ask for your vote.

Don’t just ask people if they vote Labour.

You must be the reason why they vote Labour.

For me, that’s the biggest difference between us and our opponents.

Progressives believe tomorrow can be better than today. The Conservative Party believes the best days are behind us.

Progressives see the good in people. The Conservative Party fears the worst.

Progressives trust the people. The Conservative Party fears the ‘plebs’.

We don’t fear the plebs. We don’t show contempt for workers doing their jobs.

Those who protect, and build, and teach, and care, and struggle for a better day.

We don’t insult them when they won’t kowtow.

So the hard work starts now.

We have the courage to change.

Shoulder to shoulder with the next Labour Prime Minister, Ed Miliband.

Let’s rebuild our Party.

Let’s rebuild Britain.


Saturday, 29 September 2012

President Kagame addresses the 67th UN General Assembly

New York, 25 September 2012
President of the General Assembly;
Excellencies Heads of State and Government;
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen;
It is timely that we meet here over the next few days to seek ways and means to prevent and overall manage conflicts.
While it may seem that conflict is perennial and its forms increasingly destructive, we have the urgent task of seeking more effective ways to prevent, manage and solve it. The loss we witness or experience on a daily basis – in terms of human life and devastation – is unacceptable. Additionally, at a time when wide scale poverty robs too many people of realizing their full potential in life, conflict also detracts us from development.
We might ask ourselves why, after decades of efforts to rein in conflict on a global scale and foster multi-lateral coo
One, we must appreciate that many conflicts are caused when people are, or feel excluded from full participation in the affairs of their country, particularly around issues that affect their everyday lives. Even a cursory look at the conflict hot-spots around the world shows us the dangerous consequences of a disenfranchised and despondent citizenry. Durable solutions can only come from an inclusive approach to both politics and development.peration for sustainable peace, the results are still not what they should be. The reasons for this are several and multi-faceted namely:
Secondly, deep analysis of specific political and cultural contexts of any given conflict is key to lasting solutions. Too often, the inclination is to parachute into a situation with ready-made answers based on superficial examination of the conflict’s dynamics, doing considerably more harm than good, despite the intentions. There is no one-size-fits-all remedy; these issues are complex and should be approached as such for the best possible outcome.
Thirdly, the inter-linkages between conflict and development are often over-looked; if we are looking for peaceful ways to resolve and prevent conflicts, then promoting development tops the list.  The stakes are high – a civil conflict costs the average developing country about 30 years of GDP growth and violence can easily spill over borders threatening hard-won progress.
Since security and development cannot be achieved without each other, we all have to play our roles – from the average citizen, to government leaders, to global institutions like the UN – to find inclusive solutions for lasting peace and prosperity.
And finally, it is increasingly obvious that local or regional initiatives aimed at resolving conflicts yield more positive results because those involved have a deeper understanding of the issues at hand. Their proximity to the conflict makes them more invested in a comprehensive resolution, and enables the necessary support for whatever process is agreed upon. We need to see these initiatives strengthened. We should be highlighting root causes as we address conflicts.
In the fifty years of our independence and membership of the United Nations, Rwanda has lived through conflicts. Our country was destroyed by political exclusion and subsequent Genocide.
Over the last 18 years, we have been able to rebuild the country through policies that include all citizens in governance processes, and by applying home-grown conflict resolution and development mechanisms.
While our experience with the United Nations since becoming a member has been a mixed one, it has taken on a positive trajectory in recent years and we are optimistic that it will remain so.
The history of how conflicts have been handled in Rwanda, and indeed in our region, however, shows that improvement is needed. It is our obligation to point this out – not to be critical – but because we subscribe to the ideals and principles on which the United Nations was founded. We can and should do better.
Rwanda remains committed to a more effective United Nations, particularly with respect to the work towards a more peaceful, just and equitable world. We shall continue to contribute towards various programmes for development and peace, from our role in promoting the Millennium Development Goals and supporting the Broadband Commission for Digital Development, to our troops participating in peace keeping missions. We hope to contribute and participate even more going forward.
Let me conclude by saying that although the challenge to better prevent and resolve conflict may seem daunting, it remains ours to take on.  When we see leaders work with the people in an inclusive manner, when development can proceed unhindered by conflict, when regional groupings take greater responsibility in tackling their own issues, and when international cooperation takes place in a spirit of true partnership – I believe the results will speak for themselves, and billions of lives across the globe will improve. Ultimately, this is what we all should work towards.
Thank you.

For immediate release: 28 September 2012

Public accountability absent from new Sudan
and South Sudan oil deal

Sudan and South Sudan’s new oil deal fails to guarantee citizens the basic information they need to hold their governments accountable for the vast amounts of money involved, said Global Witness today.

After several years of negotiations, Sudan and South Sudan yesterday signed a series of landmark agreements, including one on the terms under which South Sudan will export its crude oil via Sudan’s pipelines and port. [1] Both countries are heavily reliant on oil revenues and have previously fought for control of oil fields either side of their common border. While the new agreement establishes mechanisms for internal information sharing and auditing, it includes no requirements for transit and financial data or audit reports to be made public. This lack of public accountability is particularly concerning given the allegations of high-level corruption that both governments are facing.

“Sudan and South Sudan’s citizens are the ultimate owners of their countries’ natural resources,” said Global Witness campaigner Dana Wilkins. “Yet they have been totally cut out of this new oil deal, with no way to verify the amount of oil and money that will be transferred between their governments.”

The fees paid by South Sudan for use of Sudan’s processing facilities, pipelines, and port will range between US$9.10 and US$11 per barrel, depending on the route by which the crude oil is piped out. Juba has also agreed to transfer an additional US$3 billion to help Khartoum fill the gap in its finances caused by the loss of oil reserves now controlled by South Sudan.

The new oil deal establishes a Petroleum Monitoring Committee including representatives from both governments and an independent chairperson appointed by the African Union. This Committee will be responsible for monitoring the operational and financial implementation of the arrangement. [2]  Sudan and South Sudan also agreed to appoint an independent auditor to report on the operating companies and identify any problems.

Though the Committee and the independent auditor are potentially very useful mechanisms for building trust between the governments, neither is required to publish anything. Unless their reports and the relevant production and payment data are publicly disclosed, it will be impossible for citizens even to check whether these oversight mechanisms are working.

The new agreement also includes an article on transparency. However, this only requires that the Sudanese and South Sudanese governments be ‘mutually transparent’; each sharing relevant information with the other.

“The absence of real transparency---meaning full public disclosure---in this new deal could have long-term consequences for democracy and stability in both countries,” added Wilkins. “South Sudan has included many strong public reporting and accounting requirements in its new legal framework. It is now all the more important that these are implemented without further delay.  For its part, Khartoum should put in place public disclosure laws that enable Sudanese citizens to see how their leaders are spending their country’s share of the oil wealth.”

/ Ends

Friday, 28 September 2012



Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Mambo ya Ndani ya Nchi, Mbarak Abdulwakil akitoa hotuba fupi ya kumkaribisha Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Katiba na Sheria, Fanuel Mbonde ambaye alikuwa mgeni rasmi katika hafla fupi ya kukabidhi mabasi kwa Kaimu Kamishna Jenerali wa Magereza, Fidelis Mboya kwa niaba ya Jeshi la Magereza. Programu ya Maboresho ya Sekta ya Sheria iliyopo ndani ya Wizara ya Katiba na Sheria imekabidhi magari 12 kwa Jeshi la Magereza kwa ajili ya kubeba mahabusu pamoja na kusindikiza msafara wa mahabusu wanapopelekwa mahakamani na kurudishwa gerezani. Hafla hiyo imefanyika leo katika viwanja vya Gereza la Keko, jijini Dar es Salaam.
Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Mambo ya Ndani ya Nchi, Mbarak Abdulwakil (wa pili kutoka kulia) na Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Katiba na Sheria, Fanuel Mbonde (wa tatu kutoka kulia) wakikagua sehemu ya magari madogo yaliyokabidhiwa na Wizara ya Katiba na Sheria kwa ajili ya kusindikiza msafara wa mabasi yanayosafirisha Mahabusu kutoka Gerezani kwenda Mahakamani na kurudi Gerezani
Katibu Mkuu wa Mambo ya Ndani ya Nchi, Mbarak Abdulwakil (kulia) akipokea funguo ya basi la mahabusu kutoka kwa Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Katiba na Sheria, Fanuel Mbonde katika fupi ya kukabidhi mabasi kwa Kaimu Kamishna Jenerali wa Magereza, Fidelis Mboya kwa niaba ya Jeshi la Magereza. Programu ya Maboresho katika Sekta ya Sheria iliyopo ndani ya Wizara ya Katiba na Sheria imetoa magari madogo matano na mabasi saba kwa ajili ya kusafirisha Mahabusu kutoka Gerezani kwenda Mahakamani na kurudi Gerezani. Hafla ya makabidhiano hayo ilifanyika leo katika viwanja vya Gereza la Keko, jijini Dar es Salaam.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

But do they know that they are naked? I mean, do they have any slight awareness that they are naked?

"It is not out of fear but out of a feeling for what is right that we should abstain from doing wrong." "Doing right is based most of all on respecting the other person." "We ought to do our best to help those who have suffered injustice." "The wise man belongs to all countries, for the whole world is a homeland to a great heart." "Poverty in a democracy is as much to be preferred to so-called prosperity under despots as freedom is to slavery" "I would rather discover a single causal law than be king of Persia!"
 Democritus (ca. 460 BC – ca. 370 BC)

Wednesday, 26 September 2012



Warembo watakao ingia kambi ya Miss Tanzania 2012 hawa hapa

Redds Miss Lake zone 2012/13 Eugene Fabian (katikati) akiwa pamoja na , mshindi wa Tatu Happiness Rweyemamu na Kulia kwake ni mshindi wa pili Happiness Daniel warembo hawa wataingia kambi ya REDDS Miss Tanzania 2012.
Jumla ya warembo 30 wanataraji kuingia kambi ya REDDS MISS TANZANIA 2012 wakati wowote baada ya kumalizika kwa mashindano ya Vitongoji, Mikoa, na hatimaye Kanda mwishoni mwa wiki iliyopita.

Kwa mujibu wa mashindano hayo ya Kanda ambayo kila Kanda imetoa washindi wa tatu ambao wataziwakilisha Kanda zaoi katika Shindano hilo kubwa na laiana yake.
Warembo hao na Kanda zao wanazotoka ni Redds Miss Kanda ya Kaskazini Warida Frenk, Anande Raziel na Lucy Stefano, Redd’s Miss Kanda ya Mashariki 2012 ni  Rose Lucas, Irine Veda na Joyce Baluhi , Redds Miss Kinondoni Brigit Alfred, Diana George Hussein na Irene David.
Kanda nyingine ni Redds Miss Lake zone 2012 Eugene Fabian,Happiness Daniel na Happiness Rweyemamu, Redd's Miss Tameke 2012, Edda Sylvester, Flavian Maeda na Catherine Masumbigana, Redds Miss Kanda ya Kati, Belinda Mbogo, Lightness Michael na Elizabeth Diamond.
Washiriki wengine watakao ingia Kambini ni kutoka kanda ya Redds Miss Ilala 2012, Mary Chizi, Magdalena Munisi na Noela Michael, Redds Kanda Vyuo vya Elimu ya Juu, Virginia Mokiri, Fatma Ramadhani na Fina Revocatus, kanda nyingine ni ya Kutoka Chuo Kikuu Huria ni Zuwena Nassibu na Redds Miss Southern Zone Naomi Jones, Caren Elias na Venance Edward.
Kesho Septemba 26, 2012 Kamati ya Miss Tanzaniaikiongozwa na Mkurugenzi wake Hashim Lundenga kutoka Lino International Agency watakutana na waandishi wa Habari katika Ukumbi wa Idara ya Habari Maeleo majira ya saa 4:00 asubuhi kuzungumzia maandalizi ya Kambi hiyo.

Redds Miss kanda ya Kaskazini Warida Frenk katikati akiwa na washindi wenzake Anande Raziel kulia na lucy stefano kushoto mara baada ya kutawazwa kuwa washindi wa Redds Miss Kanda ya kaskazini,Washindi hao wanatarajiwa kujiunga kwenye kambi ya Redds Miss Tanzania hapo baadae ili kujiandaa na shindano la Taifa la Redds Miss Tanzania.

Redd’s Miss Kanda ya Mashariki 2012, Rose Lucas katikati akipunga mkono kwa furaha akiwa na mashindi wa pili Irine Veda (kulia) na Mshindi wa tatu Joyce Baluhi mara baada ya warembo hao kutangazwa kuwa washindi wa shindano hilo lililofanyika mjini Morogoro usiku wa Septemba Septemba 1, mwaka huu. Warembo hawa wote watashiriki shindano la Redd’s Miss Tanzania 2012 baadae mwaka huu.

Mshindi wa shindano la Redds Miss Kinondoni Brigit Alfred, akiwapungia mkono mashabiki walioshuhudia shindano hilo jijini Dar es Salaam jana, kulia ni mshindi wa pili Diana George Hussein na mshindi watatu Irene David. Brigit pia anashikilia taji la Redds Miss Sinza 2012 huku Irine akishikilia taji la Miss Ubungo 2012.

Malkia wa Redd's Miss Tameke 2012, Edda Sylvester (katikati), akiwa na mshindi wa pili Flavian Maeda (kushoto), pamoja na Catherine Masumbigana aliyeshika nafasi ya tatu katika kilele cha mashindano hayo, Ukumbi wa PTA Sabasaba, Dar es Salaam usiku wa kuamkia leo.

 Naomi Jones, Caren Elias na Venance Edward

Redds Miss Kanda ya Kati, Belinda Mbogo (katikati) akiwa na mshindi wa pili Lightness Michael (kushoto) na mrembo aliyetwaa nafasi ya tatu Elizabeth Diamond baada ya kumalizika kwa shindano hilo mjini Dodoma hivi karibuni. warembo hawa wote wameingia kambi ya Miss Tanzania 2012.

Redds Miss Ilala 2012, Noela Michael akiwa na mshindi wa pili Magdalena Munisi (kulia) na mshindi wa tatu Mary Chizi (kushoto) mara baada ya kutangazwa kuwa mshindi wa shindano la Redd's Miss Ilala 2012.
 THE young man who purportedly discovered Libya's Muammar Gaddafi hiding in a drainage pipe nearly a year ago has died of injuries after being kidnapped, beaten and slashed by the late dictator's supporters.
He is the latest victim of persistent violence and instability in the North African country.
The death yesterday of Omran Shaaban, who had been hospitalised in France, raised the prospect of even more violence and score-settling, with the newly elected National Congress authorising police and the army to use force if necessary to apprehend those who abducted the 22-year-old and three companions in July near the town of Bani Walid.
Libya is battling lingering pockets of support for the old Gaddafi regime, and its government has been unable to rein in armed militias in a country rife with weapons. Earlier this month, a demonstration at the US consulate in the eastern city of Benghazi turned violent, killing four Americans, including the US ambassador.
Shaaban was praised as a "dutiful martyr'' by the National Congress, although his family says he never received a promised reward of 1 million Libyan dinars ($A773,432) for capturing Gaddafi on October 20, 2011, in the former leader's hometown of Sirte. The eccentric dictator was killed later that day by revolutionary fighters.
The Libyan government said it would honour Shaaban with a funeral befitting a hero. His body was greeted at the airport in his hometown of Misrata by more than 10,000 people for a procession to a soccer stadium for funeral prayers.
Omran Shaaban
The coffin of Omran Ben Shabaan is carried as thousands of Misrata residents pay their respects during his funeral at Misrata stadium in Misrata, Libya. AFP PHOTO/STRINGER Source: AFP
Photos on social media websites showed a wooden coffin with a glass window that revealed Shaaban's face, with white gauze covering his head.
In the capital of Tripoli, several hundred protesters gathered outside the headquarters of the National Congress to demand that the government avenge Shaaban's death.
Shaaban's family said that he and three friends had been on their way home to the western city of Misrata from a vacation in July when they were attacked by gunmen in an area called el-Shimekh near Bani Walid.
Shaaban and his friends, who like many Libyans were armed, fired back, the family said.
Two bullets hit Shaaban, and he was paralysed from the waist down, his relatives said. The men were captured by militiamen from Bani Walid, a town of about 100,000 people that remains a stronghold of Gaddafi loyalists and is isolated from the rest of Libya.
President Mohammed el-Megarif visited Bani Walid this month and secured the release of Shaaban and two of his companions. A fourth is still being held.
When Shaaban was finally brought home, he was "skin and bones'' - still paralysed, frail and slipping in and out of consciousness, according to his brother, Abdullah Shaaban.
"It was clear he was beaten a lot,'' Abdullah Shaaban said. ``His entire chest was sliced with razors. His face had changed. It wasn't my brother that I knew.''
Omran Shaaban later was flown to France for medical treatment.
Shaaban, the second youngest in a family of nine children, was a member of Libya Shield, a loose coalition of the country's largest militias relied on by the Defence Ministry.
Libya's president released a statement today vowing that those responsible for the violence against Omran Shaaban would be punished.
But apprehending and disarming the militants in Bani Walid are among the most daunting tasks facing the government. The town is heavily armed with rocket-propelled grenades, automatic weapons and artillery left over from last year's civil war.
Residents of Bani Walid say that pictures of Gaddafi are displayed during weddings and youths play his speeches on their cars' stereos. Students refrain from singing Libya's new national anthem and teachers refuse to follow the revised curriculum.
Bani Walid fighters were blamed for many of the sniper attacks, shelling, rapes and other violence against the city of Misrata during the civil war, and there were new calls on yesterday from residents of Misrata for vengeance against Bani Walid.
Shaaban's eldest brother, Walid, insists there will be justice for the family, regardless of whether the government is the one to administer it.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

At UN debate, US President urges dealing honestly with tensions between Arabs and West

US President Barack Obama addresses the general debate of the 67th session of the UN General Assembly. UN Photo/JC McIlwaine
25 September 2012 – Warning that the world faces “a choice between the forces that would drive us apart and the hopes we hold in common,” United States President Barack Obama said today the deadly violence sparked by an anti-Islam video is an assault on the very ideals upon which the United Nations was founded.
“The events of the last two weeks speak to the need for all of us to address honestly the tensions between the West and an Arab World moving to democracy,” he told scores of heads of State and Government attending the 67th General Assembly’s General Debate on its opening day, calling on world leaders to espouse the peaceful settlement of disputes.
Cities in North Africa and the Middle East recently experienced violent protests in response to an anti-Islamic video produced in the state of California by a US citizen. In the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, the US ambassador to the country, Christopher Stevens, and three other diplomats were killed, and others injured or killed, when suspected Libyan religious extremists stormed the US Consulate there.
However, I do believe that it is the obligation of all leaders, in all countries, to speak out forcefully against violence and extremism.
The film has drawn widespread condemnation around the world, including from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
“On this we must agree: there is no speech that justifies mindless violence,” President Obama said, calling the video “crude and disgusting,” but explaining how such hateful comment is allowed by the freedom of speech clause in the US constitution.
“There are no words that excuse the killing of innocents. There is no video that justifies an attack on an Embassy. There is no slander that provides an excuse for people to burn a restaurant in Lebanon, or destroy a school in Tunis, or cause death and destruction in Pakistan,” he added, referring to the attacks that killed Ambassador Stevens and caused deaths elsewhere.
“Burning an American flag will do nothing to educate a child. Smashing apart a restaurant will not fill an empty stomach. Attacking an Embassy won’t create a single job,” he noted.
President Obama said the US has supported the forces of change that have toppled dictators in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen, and he called for an end to the regime of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria, where more than 18,000 people have been killed in an uprising against his rule over the past 18 months.
“However, I do believe that it is the obligation of all leaders, in all countries, to speak out forcefully against violence and extremism,” he declared, stressing that the recent violence or hateful speech by some individuals does not represent the views of the overwhelming majority of Muslims any more than the views of the video producers behind the anti-Islam film represent those of Americans.
“It is time to marginalize those who, even when not resorting to violence, use hatred of America, or the West, or Israel as a central principle of politics,” the US President said. “For that only gives cover, and sometimes makes excuses, for those who resort to violence.”
President Obama pledged that the US will never retreat from the world and will bring to justice those who harm its citizens and friends, while standing with its allies and partnering with countries to deepen ties of trade and investment, science and technology, energy and development.
“It is time to leave the call of violence and the politics of division behind. On so many issues, we face a choice between the promise of the future, or the prisons of the past,” he declared.
“The future must not belong to those who target Coptic Christians in Egypt – it must be claimed by those in Tahrir Square who chanted ‘Muslims, Christians, we are one.’ The future must not belong to those who bully women – it must be shaped by girls who go to school, and those who stand for a world where our daughters can live their dreams just like our sons…
“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied. Let us condemn incitement against Sufi Muslims and Shiite pilgrims.”
Turning to specific crises, President Obama said the future for Israelis and Palestinians must not belong to those who turn their backs on the prospect of peace and thrive on conflict, and those who reject Israel’s right to exist, but to those who pursue the hard but clear goal of a secure, Jewish state of Israel and an independent, prosperous Palestine.
On Iran, he said the US wants to resolve nuclear issue through diplomacy and believes there is still time and space to do so.
“But that time is not unlimited,” he warned. “We respect the right of nations to access peaceful nuclear power, but one of the purposes of the United Nations is to see that we harness that power for peace. Make no mistake: a nuclear-armed Iran is not a challenge that can be contained.
“It would threaten the elimination of Israel, the security of Gulf nations, and the stability of the global economy. It risks triggering a nuclear-arms race in the region, and the unravelling of the non-proliferation treaty. That is why a coalition of countries is holding the Iranian government accountable. And that is why the United States will do what we must to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.”
Scores of the world’s heads of State and government and other high-level officials are expected to present their views and comment on issues of individual national and international relevance at the Assembly’s General Debate, which ends on 1 October.
Office of the Press Secretary
September 25, 2012
Fact Sheet: Executive Order Strengthening Protections against Trafficking in Persons in Federal Contracts

More than 20 million men, women, and children worldwide are victims of human trafficking.  Companies around the world are taking steps to eliminate the potential for trafficked labor in their operations and supply chains, and President Obama is committed to protecting vulnerable individuals as government contractors and subcontractors perform vital services and manufacture goods procured by the United States.  As the largest single purchaser of goods and services in the world, the U.S. Government has a responsibility to combat human trafficking at home and abroad, and to ensure American tax dollars do not contribute to this affront to human dignity. 
Building on the Obama Administration’s existing efforts to end human trafficking, today the President signed an Executive Order to strengthen protections against trafficking in persons in federal contracting.  The importance of taking action to end human trafficking in government contracting is a matter of significant bipartisan agreement, and the Executive Order issued today incorporates approaches supported by business leaders, researchers, and members of Congress for how to effectively achieve that shared goal. 
The new Executive Order strengthens the efficacy of the U.S. Government’s zero-tolerance policy on trafficking in persons by directing the Federal Acquisition Regulatory (FAR) Council, working with the appropriate agencies, to amend federal contracting regulations to:
·         Prohibit contractors and subcontractors from engaging in specific trafficking-related activities.  The Executive Order expressly prohibits federal contractors, subcontractors, and their employees from engaging in certain trafficking-related practices, such as misleading or fraudulent recruitment practices; charging employees recruitment fees; and destroying or confiscating an employee’s identity documents, such as a passport or a driver’s license.
·         Apply new, tailored compliance measures for larger contracts performed abroad.  The Executive Order requires that for work exceeding $500,000 that is performed abroad, federal contractors and subcontractors must maintain compliance plans appropriate for the nature and scope of the activities performed.  Such plans must include: an employee awareness program, a process for employees to report trafficking violations without fear of retaliation, and recruitment and housing plans.  Each of these contractors and subcontractors must also certify that neither it nor any of its contractors has engaged in trafficking-related activities. 
The Executive Order also:
·         Establishes a process to identify industries and sectors that have a history of human trafficking, to enhance compliance on domestic contracts.  Once identified, contracting agencies will adopt appropriate safeguards, guidance, and compliance assistance to prevent trafficking in industries or sectors where there is a history or current evidence of trafficking.
·         Augments training and heightens agencies’ ability to detect and address trafficking violations.  The Executive Order stipulates that the Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy will provide guidance to agencies on how to improve monitoring of and compliance with actions to prevent trafficking and will implement improved training for the federal acquisition workforce on policies and procedures for combatting trafficking.
Carlos Lopes urges trade actors to build on political support for the continental trade agenda
ECA Press Release 153/2012
Addis Ababa 24 September 2012 (ECA) -  The second Africa Trade Forum kicked off Monday, with a call to “build on the political expression of support for the continental trade agenda and mobilize broad-based support for actualizing this vision.” The call was made by Mr. Carlos Lopes, Under Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa during the opening session. The Forum is holding on the theme: Boosting intra-African trade and establishing the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) from 24-26 September; and is aimed at looking into ways to enhance Africa’s productive capacities and improve industrial performance.

Speaking to Africa’s diverse trade constituencies including the private sector, academia and policy makers, Mr. Lopes underscored the need to use trade as a means to upscale the current growth rate of 5.2% per annum.  He offered the ASEAN and the EU regions as examples of the potential of intra-regional trade to move countries up the value chain. The two regions stand at 60% and 70% respectively in terms of recorded trade, while Africa’s recorded trade is 10% according to studies.

Mr. Lopes, however, observed that the 10% figure does not account for the informal trade that occurs between African countries, which he said, “can be witnessed on a daily basis at almost every border.”  

Among the issues to be debated this week, he underscored the need to “identify potential obstacles and determine the role of all constituencies in the continental trade agenda." He also stressed the need for trade as a means to overcome vulnerabilities, utilize Africa’s untapped assets, reinforce its middle class and adapt to global trends.

“Africa, however, is not only about vulnerabilities,” said Lopes, highlighting its untapped resources from demographics, natural resources and agriculture. “Africa’s population is increasingly urban and the benefits of agglomeration, including increased domestic demand will work in tandem with internal trade to boost the creation of regional value chains.”

He also stressed that as agriculture and natural resources are the starting points for regional value chains, their proper management continues to be a priority for Africa’s member States.

Mr. Eastus Mwencha, Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC) said the decisions by two AU Summits on boosting intra-African trade this year, including the establishment of a CFTA would accelerate and deepen Africa’s market integration. This, said Mr. Mwencha, would contribute to “the attainment of sustainable economic growth and development, poverty alleviation and improved living conditions.”

“The road ahead will require establishing multi-sectoral focal points and national plans for boosting intra-African Trade at the national level.”  He saidthat plans would need to be drawn by the Regional Economic Communities to contribute to the Road Map for the establishment of the CFTA by 2017.
The opening session was also addressed by Mr. MakonnenManyazewal, Ethiopia’s Minister of Trade and Industry; and Mr. Lamin Barrow, African Development Bank Regional Representative. It is co-organized by the African Trade Policy Centre, which is housed by the ECA and its partners, the African Union Commission and the African Development Bank.

Since the first Forum that was held in November 2011, two African Union Summits have tackled the need to boost intra-African trade, thereby establishing the highest level of political will for this agenda. The January 2012 AU Summit adopted a historic decision to establish the Continental Free Trade Area by 2017. The Summit also endorsed an Action Plan for Boosting intra-African trade and an architecture aimed at supporting the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the decisions.

Later this year, Ministers of Trade will meet jointly with Ministers of Agriculture, on the theme of Boosting intra-African Trade with a sub-theme of addressing agricultural transformation and ensuring food and nutrition security.
Issued by: ECA Information and Communication Service 

Opening of 67th General Debate of General Assembly

As the General Assembly begins the general debate of its sixty-seventh session, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (at lectern) presents to the Assembly his annual report on the work of the Organization. Behind Mr. Ban, on the presidential podium: Vuk Jeremić (left), President of the sixty-seventh session of the General Assembly; and Jean-Jacques Graisse, Acting Head of General Assembly and Conference Management.

Jazz legend Mulatu Astatke to speak at RGS
Mulatu2.JPGOn 7th November, during World Travel Market week, the ‘father of Ethio-jazz’, Mulatu Astatke, will discuss Ethiopia’s contribution to world music at the Royal Geographical Society.
Mulatu is known as the father of Ethio-jazz, a unique blend of pop, modern jazz, traditional Ethiopian music, Latin rhythms, Caribbean reggae, and Afro-funk.
Ranking among the most influential African musicians of all-time, Dr Mulatu is a Composer, Arranger, Performer, Fellow of Harvard University and an Adviser for African Scholarship at Berkeley College, Boston.
His music has been widely acclaimed for over 50 and the ‘Ethiopiques’ CD series has opened up a new audience for his ‘Ethio-jazz’ experiments. But it wasn’t until Jim Jarmusch’s ‘Broken Flowers’ film featured his music that momentum started to gather and a young generation of urban artists started sampling his music, the greatest example being Nas & Damian Marley's sample of 'Yegelle Tezeta'.
The RGS event will include an exhibition of Lisa Bentick’s Hipstamatic images from her recent travels in Ethiopia.
Ticket holders will also be able to explore the Society’s rich Ethiopian collections, a coffee ceremony, music and dancing, to be followed by a reception at the nearby Ethiopian Embassy.
Tickets:                Lecture alone £10 (includes drink).
Debate and Embassy reception (from 8pm) £20
Date:                     Wednesday 7th November from 7.00pm until 9.00pm (doors open at 6.00pm)
Venue:                 Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), Kensington Gore, London SW7
To book your tickets, please purchase from Eventbrite on the following link:
For more information, please contact us on
Mulatu Astatke will also be playing at London’s Koko Club in Camden on 18th November, as part of the London Jazz Festival in association with BBC3. Tickets can be purchased from the venue’s box office.

Background Briefing on Secretary Clinton's Bilateral Meeting with Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi

Special Briefing
Senior State Department Official
Waldorf Astoria Hotel
New York City
September 24, 2012

MODERATOR: All right, everybody. As you know, the Secretary had a meeting this evening with President Morsi of Egypt. Here to give you a sense of that meeting is [Senior State Department Official], hereafter known as Senior State Department Official. Take it away, [Senior State Department Official].
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL: Hello. So the meeting took place in the President’s suite. It was principals plus three on each side: on his side, the Foreign Minister, the Ambassador, members of his finance team, and another aide; on our side, Deputy Secretary Nides, myself and Beth Jones. It was a very relaxed and warm meeting – serious and very professional, but there were moments of good humor as well.
It began with the Secretary thanking the President for the security that was provided to our Embassy. We all understand that in the first hours, as the Egyptians themselves have said, it may have been a little slow, but indeed quite quickly Egypt provided to our Embassy and has continued to provide to our Embassy quite professional and quite effective security.
I’m not going to get into what the President said in detail except for one point, and that is – because I know it’s so important to the American people, and he understands that. And that is that they affirmed that Embassy security is their duty, it’s their responsibility, and they take it quite seriously.
They had a very good discussion about how to address these issues in the future, including some of the triggers that set off the protest at our Embassy and the violence that occurred in other countries. And they discussed both what was necessary on the security side as well as the dialogue that we all need to have about tolerance. And the Secretary referred to the General Assembly resolution – sorry, not the General Assembly – the Human Rights Council resolution of April 12, 2011 which I’d commend to all of you, which was called Combating Intolerance, Negative Stereotyping and Stigmatization of, and Discrimination, Incitement to Violence and Violence Against, Persons Based on Religion or Belief, and the efforts that have to be ongoing in that regard in the world and in an internet society how to get ahead of these kinds of issues.
They went on to discuss Sinai security in some detail and the channels that have been opened with their neighbors to ensure that that security can be maintained and improved. They discussed counterterrorism not only in Sinai but also in the region, on other countries, and ways that Egypt might help its neighbors since Egypt has institutions and has capabilities that some of the other countries in the region do not have.
We also – discussions about how to improve the day-to-day lives of Egyptians, which is very much on the mind of the President in Sinai and in – and throughout the entire country. That was, of course, the reason that the change took place in Egypt.
There was, of course, discussion about the IMF, about budget reform, around American assistance and the commitment that the President and Secretary have made to Egypt, and the continued commitment we have to provide the assistance that we’ve discussed, because we believe that a secure and democratic Egypt is important for U.S. national security and will provide for a more secure region as well, which is important for American national security.
The Egyptians have a lot of tough road in front of them to take the budget reforms that will be necessary and to do it in a way that helps them to move their democratic process forward.
We discussed the neighborhood and all the changes that have gone on in countries around Egypt, and that included everything from Libya and Tunisia to Syria as well as Iran.
It was a very fulsome discussion. It went for about 45 minutes to an hour. I don’t remember the exact time myself. But it was a very straightforward discussion and I think speaks to the developing relationship between our two countries and the interests that we do share for security and prosperity of a democratic Egypt.
MODERATOR: Just to remind, this is the second meeting the Secretary’s had with him in less than three months, the last time being when we saw him in Cairo in July.
QUESTION: Did they speak specifically about the video and if – about the question of free speech versus blasphemy and where the limit should lie?
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL: What they spoke about is how words, how acts, can become a reason that people take to act. It wasn’t so much an either/or conversation. The Secretary has been quite clear that there is absolutely no justification for such violence. So that is not – that is without doubt our position.
At the same time, we understand that there are sensitivities which the President has spoken about publicly, and I think we all are reflecting on the kind of dialogue we need to ensure tolerance for all religious beliefs and all religious sensitivities. But again, with the Secretary always clear that there is no basis. I think it’s very clear to everyone where she stands. So it wasn’t – this wasn’t that kind of – they’ve had conversations. As you know, the President has spoken with President Morsi, so we’re sort of on to the next chapter in many ways.
QUESTION: Have they discussed Camp David (inaudible)?
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL: They discussed the important relationships that they have with their neighbors, discussed the Sinai, discussed the importance of channels of relationship, and the positive steps that have been taken in that regard. I think that it is well understood that all international obligations are being adhered to.
QUESTION: I’d just like to ask about the Egyptian initiative that President Morsi has been pushing on Syria. This four member group with Saudis, Turkey, Iran and Egypt. Did they discuss this initiative and does the U.S. think that this could actually bear some fruit?
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL: Well, I – that subject did come up, and I think that the Egyptians themselves would say that it’s a new initiative, and I think no one’s sure whether it’s going to head towards an endpoint or not. We always have concerns when Iran is engaged, but this was a small part of the conversation. It did come up.
MODERATOR: And you know, we’ve been quite clearly publicly about our skepticism with regard to any grouping that Iran is involved in because of Syria --
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL: And I certainly personally have very deep skepticism.
QUESTION: Did Secretary Clinton or – say that she think it’s unhelpful what Egypt is trying to do? Has she expressed that?
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL: There wasn’t – Margaret, there wasn’t a long discussion about this subject. I’ve given you a very long list. This was a maybe 45-minute meeting, back and forth. So that’s covering a lot of ground, so you don’t get into deep, deep discussion on any one issue. But I think that her position, the U.S. Government’s position on all these issues, are quite clear and quite well known to President Morsi.
QUESTION: Since a lot of it covered things that are already well known, what would you define as kind of the advance of this meeting? What was gained today by having them sit down and talk face to face?
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL: I think what was gained is building a relationship which is going to be essential to cover the range of subjects that took place. I think to make sure that we are moving forward on all of the issues of concern that we have, whether it is embassy security, security in the region, ensuring that there are good channels of communication with Israel, to follow through on the commitments that Egypt itself has made, to talk about how they can move forward on their economic situation, because in fact they won’t be able to deliver for their people as a government unless, in fact, the economy starts moving forward. I think that President Morsi wanted to give us a sense of what they’re doing to try to move that forward. And that’s very important, because all of these pieces have to fit together as a package for them to, in fact, have the effect that we all hope to have to ensure a democratic Egypt.
MODERATOR: And you remember when the Secretary was there in July, she pledged that we would – after the IMF was there, we would have the Hormats team come talk about the package, and then we would have business delegations. So she was able, with this meeting, I assume, to get – take his temperature after all of that going forward. Yeah.
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL: Absolutely. He was very pleased with the business delegation. He understood, of course, that unfortunately two days later we had a very unfortunate, difficult bump to say the least. But I think that Secretary Nides felt that the businesspeople that were there were very pleased with that visit and that things would continue to move forward.
MODERATOR: Andy and then Jill.
QUESTION: Just a related question. On the question of U.S. assistance particularly, was there any sense that the Secretary was sort of reassuring President Morsi that this will continue, despite the bump that you’ve described? And was she able to tell him that politically, they think that that’s – they’ve got the – sort of road smoothed to keep this going?
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL: Well, I think what he heard from the Secretary was that she is committed to following through on what she has said we will do and that, of course, we understand that there may be members who have questions, but that there is strong bipartisan support for Egypt being a democratic success, because it’s in our national security interest that that occur.
QUESTION: Could I ask a slightly broader question, because it’s come up a bit? Why exactly is the Secretary meeting with world leaders and not President Obama? I know there have been some explanations, but it really is notable that he’s not meeting with anyone on --
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL: Well, I’d steer you to the White House more than to us. But I – Jill, he has very limited time here, and I think that he has to make choices. I think that the choices have been fine. The Secretary has met with a wide range of world leaders, and I think we’re doing just fine.
MODERATOR: These are also relationships that she has helped him to maintain all the way through. I mean, as we said, it’s her second meeting with him --
QUESTION: But the White House did a few months – a few weeks ago say that he was going to meet with Morsi, so I wonder if Morsi raised that at all today?
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL: He’s – I think that President Morsi well understands that the President had real limits and everyone has seen that he has not met with any leader.
QUESTION: Andy asked my question.
MODERATOR: Oh, there were go. All right. Margaret.
QUESTION: Follow-up on the conversations in regard to Libya. Given the shared border, what were the concerns raised by President Morsi about --
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL: Well, I’m not going to go into the specifics of what President Morsi raised. I don’t think that’s appropriate for me to do. But what I can say is that the Secretary and the President discussed the situation in Libya, the challenges that the Libyans are facing, the way that neighbors might be able to be helpful to Libya and the shared interest in Libya’s security.
QUESTION: Did they talk – discuss about the alliance? Because President Obama mentioned that Egypt is not an ally.
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL: Well, I think we’ve moved past that and I think the President’s own words have moved past that.
QUESTION: Has been what?
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL: I think the – I think we’ve moved past that.
QUESTION: On Israel, you spoke about – you said that they spoke about the importance of good communications with Israel. Are there any efforts or was anything outlined today in order to improve the dialogue between Egypt and Israel, which, as you know, is significantly less than it would have been a couple years ago?
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL: Well, this is a brand new government. And so they are just getting themselves set up, moving forward. They have enormous challenges in front of them. I think they have created channels of communication. I think they have grown stronger over the last weeks, as they should. And I’m sure they will improve over time.
QUESTION: On the Secretary’s meeting with Israel’s Defense Minister yesterday (inaudible) yesterday that (inaudible) has proposed a new (inaudible) on the West Bank. Have they discussed (inaudible) yesterday?
MODERATOR: Are you talking about the meeting with Barak yesterday?
MODERATOR: We don’t have anything to offer from that. That was a one-on-one meeting.
QUESTION: (Inaudible) question about President Obama (inaudible).
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL: Can you speak up a little bit? Thank you.
QUESTION: (Inaudible).
QUESTION: I think that there was a tension between two countries when President Obama made a comment.
MODERATOR: I think [Senior State Department Official] has already responded to that one. Anything else?
QUESTION: (Inaudible.)
MODERATOR: I think she’s already responded to that one.
MODERATOR: Anything else? Okay, guys. Thank you very much. We’ll see you tomorrow. And thanks to you, [Senior State Department Official].

Sunday, 23 September 2012

The Korean Cultural Centre is pleased to present Twin Town, an exhibition of new artwork by Korean and European Artists.
Minae Kim and Phyllida Barlow, with guest Jenny Dunseath.
Jiho Won and Tariq Alvi.
Chanmin Park and Erasmus Schröter
Twin Town is made up of three 'pairs' of artists, bringing together a Korean artist with a European counterpart. These pairs (one of which includes a guest) are based on lines of practice; sculpture, installation and photography.
This approach deliberately veers away from making an exhibition easily tick-boxed as a Korean art show and instead opts to show art by artists from Korea alongside art by artists from the UK and Germany. In this way Twin Town acknowledges the wider fact that contemporary artists from all sides of the world can be found working next to one another. Curated by Jeremy Akerman.
The exhibition continues till 24th October.
Korean Cultural Centre UK
Grand Buildings, 1-3 Strand London
T: +44(0)20 7004 2600