The legendary Olympian Tommie Smith arrives
in London
Operation Black Vote will
host one of the greatest Olympians that have lived. Dr Tommie Smith’s status
was secured when in 1968 at the Mexico Olympic Games he smashed the world record for 200 meters,-a
record that was held for 40 years- and during the medal ceremony he, along with
fellow African American John Carlos bowed his head and raised his fist.
To this day that Salute is one of the most iconic images of any Olympic games.
In collaboration with
Operation Black Vote and Freshwater PLC, Dr Tommie Smith will speak at
Westminster University, Houses of Parliament and a star studded audience
for the UK film Premiere ‘Salute’.
of the visit Simon Woolley stated:
“With just a few weeks to
go before our London 2012 Games, Tommie Smith’s visit is a wonderful
symbol of excellence and integrity. Whilst at the pinnacle of his career he
silently screamed, ‘This is more than just about me, It is about social
and racial injustice!’”
Part of Smith’s visit will
be to engage with an audience of 500 students at Westminster University.
Tommie Smith said:
” I’m really excited about
this visit to London in its Olympic year. I spend a lot of my time talking to
students and the new generation of athletes around the world. My message is
clear: be the best not just in sports but in all aspects of your life.”
Part of Dr Tommie Smith’s
visit is to attend the UK premiere of the film ‘Salute’, a documentary about
the untold story in regards to the three Olympians on the winning podium at the
1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City, including Tommie Smith and Jon Carlos,
aided by Australian Peter Norman.
Peter Norman’s nephew, Matt
Norman made the documentary of the story behind the iconic salute that left all
three athletes ostracized from the sport they loved
The UK Premiere, distributed
by Arrow Films will be held on Wednesday July 11th,
at the Mayfair Hotel. A Q&A session with Dr Smith and Tessa Sanderson CBE,
chaired by Trevor Phillips OBE will follow the screening.
Akii-Bua: The chief’s son who became athletics king
For the last 50 years since Uganda became
independent, no sports achievement can beat what late John Akii-Bua
accompolished. Akii-Bua is actually among the very few Africans
recognised among the world’s 100 best athletes of all time along side
the likes of Kipchoge Keino (Kenya), Hassiba Boulmerka (Algeria), Abebe
Bikila (Ethiopia), and Saidi Aouita (Morocco).
In the 1972 Olympics held in Munich, Germany, this
greatest Ugandan sports personality of all time made history by winning
the 400 metre hurdles with world record time of 47.82 seconds. Although
prior to the Olympic games, Akii-Bua had proved his worth in most
athletics events after the Commonwealth Games in Perth, Australia he was
advised by Uganda police athletics coach Jerome Ochama to embark on
specialized systematic training in athletics.
Later Akii-Bua’s chances brightened with arrival of
Arnold Malcom, an athletics coach from Wales seconded by the British
government to train Uganda’s athletes. It took Arnold jut a few weeks to
spot Akii-Bua’s potential and within no time discovered that the hugely
talented Ugandan was superb in the hurdles.
Later with the guidance of Arnold, Akii-Bua made
the time for 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico in the 400 metre hurdles
(52.00 seconds) but somehow failed to make it in the 110 metre hurdles
whose qualifying times was 14.30 seconds , failing short by only 0.10
In other international athletics meets in which
Uganda participated, Akii-Bua teamed up with the country’s other top
athletes of the time like Aggrey Awori (former minister and MP) and
Steven Erone. Akii-Bua’s Olympic medal campaign began in early 1971 when
he timed and gauged his performance against the world record of
Britain’s David Hemery and within no time at Wankulukuku stadium became
the first African to run the 400 metre hurdles under 50.00 seconds.
This was disputed by John Valzian, a mzungu coach
attached to Kenya who was also in charge of Kenyan Billy Koskei, the man
who had beaten Akii-Bua in the Edinburg Commonwealth Games of 1970.
A chance to prove himself came a few weeks later when four
countries USA, Germany, Russia and the rest of the world team met that
June in Berkely, California and Arnold used his influence to get
Akii-Bua invited along.
To the great surprise of the world, the Ugandan won
the 400 metre hurdles quite easily in 50.20 seconds and in the 400
metre flat relay he achored in for the rest of the world team to win
From then on, the name Akii-Bua began to to be sung
in sports media and invitations poured in. In July 1971, there was an
inauguration competitions between Germany, USA and Pan African teams in
Durham, North Carolina, USA. At this invitation in which all the great
stars at the distance were present, Akii-Bua clocked 49.00 seconds.
This marked the official recognition of Akii-Bua
around the world and he thereafter got various invitations in Europe and
Scandinavian countries. Before heading for the Munich Games of 1972,
Akii-Bua is said to have done a total of 800km of cross country running
in addition to the jogging exercise and weight training which he did in
order to build his muscles.
Coach Arnold’s only ambition was to see Akii-Bua
smash the then 400 metre hurdles world record of 43.01 seconds held by
David Hemery of Britain and this Akii-Bua did during a practice session
but it was kept a secret by his coach. When the September Munich Games
came, Akii-Bua was indeed at his peak.
During the elimination rounds, he easily went
through. In the semi finals, however disaster befell him when he hit an
hurdle and got a deep cut on the left knee. The same day he had a tooth
extracted which resulted into a swollen cheek. Tension was reportedly
high in the Ugandan camp on the day of the finals. The team doctor, one
Kasirye refused to have the cut stitched in the fear of weakening him
and the Ugandan ambassador then, Prince John Barigye was also equally
concerned .
The previous night, Akii-Bua had refused to talk to
anyone or eat anything as his mind was set on the finals, causing even
more tension in the Ugandan camp. Then finally came the finals and the
announcer called the hurdlers to the starting point. This is when his
coach Arnold Malcom told him to remember hurdle number five. At
hurdle number five is where he had been instructed to change his stride
pattern from the left leg to the right.
Though he was on a disadvantageous lane, he made no
mistake but ran fastest to clock 47.82 seconds-setting a new world
record. In second place finished Ronald Mann of USA (48.51). David
Hemery of Britain was third in 48.52 seconds, fourth emerged Joe Seymour
of USA (48.64) and in fifth place came Riut Schubert of Germany.
The joy amongst Ugandans in the Munich Olympic
stadium was reportedly beyond description. Ambassador John Barigye
jumped on the foray while Akii-Bua himself kept crying and laughing at
the same time in disbelief.

Rais wa Jamhuri ya
Muungano wa Tanzania, Mheshimiwa Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete amesema kuwa hali ya
mashariki mwa Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Congo (DRC) inatia wasiwasi na hivyo
Tanzania inafuatilia kwa makini hali inavyoendelea katika eneo hilo la nchi
hiyo jirani.
Aidha, Rais Kikwete
amesema kuwa Tanzania ingependa kuona hali ya amani inarejea katika DRC kwa
sababu nchi hiyo inahitaji kupata muda wa amani ili waelekeze nguvu zake kwenye
maendeleo badala ya kupigana.
Rais Kikwete amesema
hayo jana, Jumanne, Juni 3, 2012, wakati alipokutana na kufanya mazungumzo na Profesa
Ntumra Luaba Alphonce, Katibu Mtendaji wa Umoja wa Nchi za Maziwa Makuu wa
International Conference on Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) kwenye Hoteli ya Roca
Golf mjini Bujumbura, Burundi.
Rais Kikwete
akifuatana na Mama Salma Kikwete alikuwa mjini Bujumbura kushiriki katika
Sherehe za Miaka 50 ya Uhuru wa Burundi na kurejea nyumbani jana, 3 Juni, 2012.
Kabla ya kuja hapa, Rais Kikwete alikuwa mjini Kigali, Rwanda, kushiriki katika
sherehe za namna hiyo zilizofanyika Julai Mosi, mwaka huu. Rwanda na Burundi
zilipata uhuru kutoka kwa Wabelgiji Julai Mosi na Julai 2, mwaka 1962.
Rais Kikwete
amemwambia Katibu Mtendaji huyo: “ Kwa hakika hali mashariki mwa Congo inatutia
wasiwasi mkubwa na Tanzania inafuatilia kwa makini hali hiyo. Congo imekuwa
katika vita muda mrefu kupita kiasi kwa sababu tokea mwaka 1997 imekuwa katika
vita mfululizo.”
Ameongeza Rais
Kikwete: “Wakati umefika kwa Congo kutulia ili nguvu inayoingia katika
mapambano na vita ielekezwe katika maendeleo ya wananchi wa nchi hiyo.”
Rais Kikwete pia
ameunga mkono wazo la kuitishwa kwa mkutano wa mawaziri wa nchi wanachama wa
ICGLR ili kujadili hali ilivyo katika mashariki mwa Congo kufuatia ombi la DRC
kutaka kuitishwa kwa mkutano huo.
Hali katika mashariki
mwa Congo imeanza kutia wasiwasi baada ya kikundi cha waasi wa Serikali ya nchi
hiyo wakiongozwa na jambazi la kivita John Bosco Ntaganda kuanza tena harakati
zake za kivita dhidi ya Serikali ya Rais Joseph Kabila.
Usiku wa jana,
Jumanne, Julai 3, 2012, alikutana na kufanya mazungumzo na Rais wa
DRC,Mheshimiwa Kabila kuhusu hali ilivyo mashariki mwa DRC. Wakati akiwa
Kigali, Rwanda,mwishoni mwa wiki, Rais Kikwete pia alikutana na kufanya
mazungumzo na Rais Paul Kagame kuhusu hali ilivyo mashariki mwa DRC.
Aidha, usiku huo huo
wa kuamkia jana, Rais Kikwete alikutana na kufanya mazungumzo na Naibu Waziri
Mkuu wa Ubelgiji, Mheshimiwa Didier Reynders ambaye pia anahusika na masuala ya
nchi za nje, biashara ya nje na masuala ya Umoja wa Ulaya (EU).
Katika mazungumzo Rais
Kikwete na Mheshimiwa Reynders walizungumzia hali ya mashariki mwa Congo pamoja
na mchakato wa ushirikiano ndani ya Jumuia ya Afrika Mashariki (EAC).
Imetolewa na:
Kurugenzi ya
Mawasiliano ya Rais,
Dar es Salaam.
4 Julai, 2012