Tuesday 28 April 2020

International Affairs
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Dear colleague,

I hope this email finds you in good health. I'm back with you sooner than planned to share the second instalment of our new webinar series, alongside some highlights from the International Affairs Blog. We hope you can join us!

The International Affairs Webinar Series provides our readers with the opportunity to discuss pertinent topics with experts in the field. Each week recent International Affairs authors will discuss their research, and answer questions you have about its impact on your business, policy measures or area of interest.

In this webinar, Lee-Anne Sim, from the Australian National University, will discuss what we can learn by comparing the COVID-19 and 2007-09 global financial crises and how we can apply these learnings to financial system reform to create a more inclusive and sustainable future.

How did our societies and financial sectors make decisions at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic? What motivates our decisions now? How can we use this knowledge after the crisis to direct the decision-making power of financial sectors towards a more inclusive and sustainable future?