The event was to commemorate African Independence in 1960 at which a total of 17 countries gained independence: Somalia (Great Britain/Italy), Nigeria (Great Britain), Benin (France), Burkina Faso (France), Cameroon (France), Central African Republic , Chad (France) (France), Congo (France), Cote d’lvoire (France), Democratic Republic of Congo (Belgium), Gabon (France), Madagascar (France), Mali (France), Mauritania (France), Niger (France), Senegal (France) and Togo (France).
Other attendees included His Excellency Hatem Aziz El Nasr (Egypt); HE Antonio Gumende (Mozambique); Her Excellency Elizabeth Ya Eli Harding (Gambia); HE Dr Francis Moto (Malawi); HE Dr Z Skweyiya (South Africa); HE Edward M Turay (Sierra Leone); HE Joan Rwabyomer (Uganda); HE Dr Dalhatu Tafida (Nigeria); HE Ana Marie Teles Carreira (Angola); HE Nkwele Ekaney (Cameroon); HE Ephraim Ngare (Kenya); HE Philippe Djangone-Bi (Côte D’Ivoire); HE Abdou Sourang (Senegal); HE Berhanu Kebede (Ethiopia).
Other guests included celebrities and public figures drawn from the arts, business and politics.
These are some of the photos captured by uBUNTU PLATFOAM from the event.
The mayor of london greeting the Chair of the Uganda community in the UK
The Mozambique, Cameroon and Angola High commissioners
Na Ally Kondo , New York
Tanzania imeungana na nchi nyingine duniani wanachama wa Umoja wa Mataifa kupinga vikwazo vya kiuchumi, kibiashara na kifedha vilivyowekwa na Marekani miaka 50 iliyopita dhidi ya Cuba .
Nchi 187 wanachama wa Umoja wa Mataifa , Tanzania ikiwemo zilipiga kura ya ndio kuunga mkono Azimio lililowasilishwa na Cuba kwenye Baraza Kuu la Umoja wa Mataifa kutaka vikwazo hivyo vilivyowekwa na Marekani viondolewe.
Upigaji kura huo ulifanyika wakati wa kikao cha 65 cha Baraza kuu la Umoja wa Mataifa kinachoendelea mjini New York tarehe 26 Oktoba 2010. Nchi mbili, Marekani na Israel zilipinga Azimio hilo . Aidha, nchi tatu, Palau , Micronesia na Marshall island hazikuunga mkono upande wowote.
Akihutubia kikao hicho Mwakilishi wa Kudumu wa Tanzania kwenye Umoja wa Mataifa, Balozi Ombeni Sefue alieleza kuwa vikwazo vya kiuchumi dhidi ya Cuba vimesababisha matatizo makubwa kwa watu wa Cuba na kurudisha nyuma jitihada za nchi hiyo za kujikwamua kiuchumi na kijamii. “kwa kiasi kikubwa vikwazo vimekwaza juhudi za Serikali ya Cuba za kuondoa umasikini na kuinua hali ya maisha ya wananchi wake” Balozi Sefue alisikika akisema.
Balozi alisema kuwa, vikwazo vimesababisha madhara makubwa kwa kinamama na watoto wa Cuba na zaidi ya hapo vinainyima Cuba haki ya kufanya biashara na nchi nyingine duniani pamoja na kukwamisha juhudi za Serikali ya nchi hiyo kufikia Malengo ya Milenia.
Balozi Sefue alieleza kuwa, vikwazo vya Marekani dhidi ya Cuba haviathiri nchi hiyo tu bali pia vina madhara kwa uchumi wa nchi nyingine. Tanzania inaviona vikwazo hivyo kuwa ni ukiukwaji wa Mkataba wa Umoja wa Mataifa na Sheria za Kimataifa.
Balozi alimalizia kwa kueleza kuwa, Tanzania inashirikiana na Cuba katika maeneo mengi ikiwa ni pamoja na uchumi, elimu na afya. Alieleza kwamba, ushirikiano huo utaimarika na kuwa mzuri zaidi ikiwa vikwazo dhidi ya nchi hiyo vitaondolewa.
HELP SAVE ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE RADIO NOW !by Explo Nani-Kofion Thursday, 28 October 2010 at 23:06The Another World Is Possible Radio programme run as part of PanAfrican Oracle presented by Kilombo Centre for Civil Society, Peki,Ghana (developing relations with Centre for Civil Society ofUniversity of Kwazulu Natal) and Kilombo Community Education Project,London, UK has been going on through GFM Radio since 2008. Pan AfricanOracle was initiated through Voice of Africa Radio in 1999.Our numerous listeners and supporters are saddened that the programmehas no been on air for the past three months as a result of eithertechnical difficulties at GFM Radio or administrative reorganisationof GFM Radio. Many have phoned us to make a public appeal to oursupporters and listeners to find ways to solve this problem.We are making this appeal to all to assist us find a solution topermanently having our programme on air through some means withoutdisruption.Details of the programme are as follows:PROGRAMME :Kilombo Pan-African OracleSLOGAN :Another World Is PossiblePROGRAMME PRESENTATION :This programme will be jointly hosted by Explo Nani-Kofi (by phonefrom Ghana) and Nia Abena Noel (from the GFM Radio studio in London).PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES:(1) To examine and discuss the how Africa and Africans historicalintegration into the global political and economic architecture isresponsible as the primary factor of the marginalisation of theAfrican continent and disproportionate representation of Africans inthe marginalized and disadvantaged sections of the global population.(2) Reflect on historical legacies of Africa and Africans inreversing the above situation as described in (a) and examine what canbe built on and what sad lessons can be drawn from.(3) Examine and exemplify independent grass root andextra-establishment efforts to develop organizational capacity forAfricans to reverse the present state of their marginalization anddisproportionate representation in the disadvantaged sections of theglobal population.(4) Give the opportunity to intellectual and activist efforts toreverse Africa’s marginalization to be articulated on the programme.PROGRAMME CONTENT:Introduction simplifying and explaining objectives by Explo Nani-Kofi.Interviews examining international military pacts, internationalfinance institutions arrangements, multinational companies operations,governance and representation, wars etc and their effect on Africa,Africa development and African self-determination.The programme will be in two parts.The first part to be hosted by Nia Abena Noel will interview scholarsand activists outside Africa.The second part will give feed back on grass root andnon-establishment efforts from the Africa continent and alsointerviews with grass root activists based on a pilot project inGhana.After the introduction the programme will be divided into 15 minuteinterview slots interspersed with motivating music from Afro Beat,Reggae, High Life etc after each 15 minute slot.The programme will conclude with acknowledgements by Nia Abena Noel